[openstack-dev] Barbican : Usage of mode attribute in storing and order the secret

Douglas Mendizabal douglas.mendizabal at RACKSPACE.COM
Mon Mar 30 18:04:43 UTC 2015

Hi Asha,

Barbican Orders of type “key” are intended to generate keys suitable for encryption.  The metadata associated with the key order defines the encryption scheme in which the key will be used.  In the example you provided, the order is requesting a key that is suitable for use in a block cipher.  Specifically you’re requesting a key that will be used with the “AES” block cipher, so the “mode" describes the mode of operation to be used, which in this case is Cipher Block Chaining or “CBC”.

Acceptable values for “mode” are dependent on the value of the “algorithm” attribute.  When requesting orders for keys to be used in AES encryption, the values for “mode” correspond to the other possible modes of operation for AES, such as “ECB”, “CTR”, etc.


Douglas Mendizábal
IRC: redrobot
PGP Key: 245C 7B6F 70E9 D8F3 F5D5  0CC9 AD14 1F30 2D58 923C

On Mar 30, 2015, at 12:46 PM, Asha Seshagiri <asha.seshagiri at gmail.com<mailto:asha.seshagiri at gmail.com>> wrote:

Any help would be appreciated ?
Thanks in advance !

Thanks and Regards,
Asha Seshagiri

On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 12:45 PM, Asha Seshagiri <asha.seshagiri at gmail.com<mailto:asha.seshagiri at gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi All ,

What is the use of the mode attribute ? what does the value of this attribute signify and what are the possible values of this attribute?
For ex :Consider the order request to create the secret :

POST v1/orders

Header: content-type=application/json
        X-Project-Id: {project_id}
  "type": "key",
  "meta": {
    "name": "secretname",
    "algorithm": "AES",
    "bit_length": 256,
    "mode": "cbc",
    "payload_content_type": "application/octet-stream"

What does the mode  value "cbc " indicate ?
Thanks and Regards,
Asha Seshagiri

Thanks and Regards,
Asha Seshagiri

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