[openstack-dev] [Sahara] Is it possible to do "instance scale" for a node in a living cluster ?

Li, Chen chen.li at intel.com
Mon Mar 23 02:03:14 UTC 2015

Hi Sahara,

Recently, I learned Sahara support nodes scale up & scale down, which means "scale" has been limited to node number.
Is it possible to do a "instance scale"?

For example, I build a small cluster at first, several slave nodes (running datanode & nodemanager) and a single master node (running all other processes)
I keep increasing the number of slave nodes, and in a moment, my master node has become the performance bottleneck of the whole cluster.

In this case, I would like to do several things, such as:

1.       resize the master node. Using command like "nova resize", to add more cpu & memory and other resources for this single instance.

2.       Split processes on the master node to several nodes.

I think it make sense to users.
Or the whole "performance bottleneck" staff would never happen in real world  ???

Another example, I already have a big cluster, and now I want to enable a new service on it.

1.       I would like to start a new node for the new service and add the new node into my cluster.

2.       Or, just start the new service on a node which already in the cluster.

Currently, Sahara start cluster and manage all nodes based on "templates", so everything on "living" has to be pre-defined.
Things on above breaks the whole "pre-defined" thing.

So, my question here is:
     Is it possible for Sahara to do things like that ?

     Would Sahara want to support things like this ?
     If yes, any plans in the past, in the future?
     If not, any special reasons ??

Looking forward to your reply.


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