[openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] Unable to get the neutron network related meters in ceilometer

gord chung gord at live.ca
Thu Jul 30 21:04:59 UTC 2015

On 30/07/2015 1:55 PM, Srikanth Vavilapalli wrote:
> I was able to resolve this issue by adding the following configuration line (by default, disable_non_metric_meters is set to True, and most of the Neutron meters are of type non-metric)  in /etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf and restarting all ceilometer services.. Hope this helps others...
> [notification]
> disable_non_metric_meters = false

to followup, in Ceilometer, we capture data in two different models: 
Meters and Events[1]. Meters are designed for numeric, measurement data 
such as: cpu time, cpu_util, incoming.bytes, etc... Events are a more 
generic model which represent the state of a resource. historically, we 
never had Events so we captured non-measurement data (see Neutron 
'meters') as Meters. going forward, consumers should enable store_events 
(if not already) to capture non-measurement data as Events. Events offer 
better granularity and are more query-able.




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