[openstack-dev] [infra][puppet] Keeping common set of file synchronized across puppet modules

Yanis Guenane yguenane at redhat.com
Tue Jul 28 13:35:21 UTC 2015

In PuppetOpenstack we have a common set of filesthat are shared across
all our modules.
We would like to have an easy way to keep those set of filessynchronized.
Based on some discussions on #openstack-infra, infra might also be
interested by this problematic.

They are (at least) two approaches for that matter :

  * The Puppet community have developed a tool specifically for that
matter called modulesync[1] widely used in the Puppet community. One
needs to create a repo[2] with a specific layout, and then running msync
will ensure all files across every modules specified in the
managed_modules.yml file are synchronized, and if not will create a
commit to synchronized them.
  * The openstack-infra way : Based on my understanding, we would have
to create a repo much like this one[3] with all the common files in
there. puppet_update.sh[4] would need to be modified so that in the for
loop all the common files are copied and then the regular git workflow

The advantage I see relying on modulesync is that all the logic is taken
care of by modulesync, and the logic of the hook itself holds in one
line[5], making it pretty simple, to follow, understand and eventually

A review have been submitted[6] on infra, relying on a
propose_msync_update.sh script rather than the propose_update.sh script,
one of the comment was "I suggest to enhance that file (ie.
jenkins/scripts/propose_update.sh) instead of creating a new syncing 

As I see it, using msync and propose_update.sh while keeping the pattern
it has today is incompatible - as they overlap a lot (projects.txt vs.
managed_modules.yml, the git worflow, etc..) hence I would rather stick
with the propose_msync_update.sh patch. Using just the bit of modulesync
for its templating feature and relying on propose_update.sh for the git
workflow sounds a bit over complicated here.

Though my hope would be havingboth PuppetOpenstack and Infra to rely on
the same tooling here as it will make it consistent.I'd like to have
your feedbacks/ideas, on how best to deal with  that problematic.

Thank you,

[1] https://github.com/puppet-community/modulesync
[2] https://github.com/openstack/puppet-modulesync-configs
[3] https://github.com/pabelanger/puppet-modules-sync
[6] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/189216

Yanis Guenane

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