[openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] Would anyone from Nova Core be able to join the Cinder mid-cycle meetup?

Murray, Paul (HP Cloud) pmurray at hp.com
Tue Jul 28 11:51:34 UTC 2015

Hi jay,

There are a few Nova people in HP who intend to work on this area (perhaps you have heard that from Scott or Duncan). In fact I brought up that this would be coming up in Vancouver and that we intend to support it. Unfortunately none of us are available that week. I would like to be kept involved and will have to catch up with the other HP guys after the event.

In the meantime, if you want names to be involved beyond the cinder mid-cycle you can put down as a place holder for HP and I will sort out people to be involved when we are all back from vacation.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jay S. Bryant [mailto:jsbryant at electronicjungle.net] 
Sent: 24 July 2015 22:50
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: [openstack-dev] [nova][cinder] Would anyone from Nova Core be able to join the Cinder mid-cycle meetup?


I had the opportunity to chat with John Garbutt when he was here in Rochester for the Nova mid-cycle meet-up.  We discussed the fact that there was much to be gained by improving the communication between the Cinder and Nova teams.

With that idea in mind, it was suggested that the Cinder team open an invitation to Nova members to attend our mid-cycle meet-up.  The mid-cycle meet-up, of course, is not a secret.  A member of the Nova team has always been welcome to join, just hoping that an explicit invitation here may spark some interest.  :-)  Note:  John considered attending but is unable to do so.

The mid-cycle meet-up for Cinder is 8/4 through 8/7 at the HP site in Fort Collins, CO .  Friday is an optional code sprint day for those who are able to stay that long.  Details about the meet-up can be seen on our mid-cycle meetup planning etherpad [1].

If you are able to join us and help us work through the various challenges we are having between Cinder and Nova it would be greatly appreciated!


[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/cinder-liberty-midcycle-meetup

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