[openstack-dev] [puppet] Proposing Yanis Guenane core

arnaud1.morin at orange.com arnaud1.morin at orange.com
Tue Jul 28 05:58:38 UTC 2015


---- Matt Fischer a écrit ----


On Jul 27, 2015 3:10 PM, "Emilien Macchi" <emilien at redhat.com<mailto:emilien at redhat.com>> wrote:
Puppet group,

Yanis has been working in our group for a while now.
He has been involved in a lot of tasks, let me highlight some of them:

* Many times, involved in improving consistency across our modules.
* Strong focus on data binding, backward compatibility and flexibility.
* Leadership on cookiebutter project [1].
* Active participation to meetings, always with actions, and thoughts.
* Beyond the stats, he has a good understanding of our modules, and
quite good number of reviews, regularly.

Yanis is for our group a strong asset and I would like him part of our
core team.
I really think his involvement, regularity and strong knowledge in
Puppet OpenStack will really help to make our project better and stronger.

I would like to open the vote to promote Yanis part of Puppet OpenStack
core reviewers.

Best regards,

[1] https://github.com/openstack/puppet-openstack-cookiecutter
Emilien Macchi

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