[openstack-dev] [Fuel] Question about unique default hostname for node

Fedor Zhadaev fzhadaev at mirantis.com
Tue Jul 21 12:38:46 UTC 2015

Hi all,

The next issue was found during implementation
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/fuel/+spec/node-naming :

  User may change node hostname to any another, including default-like
'node-{№}', where № may be bigger than maximum nodeID existing at that
  Later when node with ID == № will be created it's default name
'node-{ID}' will break hostnames uniqueness.

To avoid this now it was decided to generate in such situation another
default hostname.

The current solution is to generate hostname '*node-{UUID}*'. It works, but
may look terribly.

There are a few another possible solutions:

   - Use '*node-{ID}-{#}*' format, where *{#} *we'll chose in loop till the
   first unique.
   - Use some unique value, shorter than UUID (for example - number of
   microseconds from current timestamp)

Please share you opinion - what is better?

Also you can propose your own solutions.

Kind Regards,
Fedor Zhadaev
Junior Software Engineer, Mirantis Inc.
Skype: zhadaevfm
E-mail: fzhadaev at mirantis.com
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