[openstack-dev] [fuel][plugin] Plugin depends on another plugin
Daniel Depaoli
daniel.depaoli at create-net.org
Tue Jul 21 11:54:12 UTC 2015
Yes, it should resolve my case and in general any case of dependency of
something that is not installed.
On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 1:23 PM, Vitaly Kramskikh <vkramskikh at mirantis.com>
> Daniel,
> Yes, it doesn't work in 6.1 release. My question is: are you OK if we
> support your case in 7.0 using the approach I described?
> 2015-07-21 14:13 GMT+03:00 Daniel Depaoli <daniel.depaoli at create-net.org>:
>> On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 12:02 PM, Vitaly Kramskikh <
>> vkramskikh at mirantis.com> wrote:
>>> Hi, currently it's not possible to handle cases like this. The
>>> expression parser by default expects every key in the expression to exist,
>>> otherwise it throws an error. But it also supports non-strict mode, in
>>> which non-existent keys are treated as null value. We can add support for
>>> enabling this mode in 7.0, so it will look like this:
>>> restrictions:
>>> - condition: "settings:fuel-plugin-node-js == null or
>>> settings:fuel-plugin-node-js.metadata.enabled == false"
>>> strict: false
>>> action: "disable"
>>> message: "Node JS must be present and enabled"
>>> Will this work for you?
>> No this solution unfortunately doesn't work if the nodejs plugin is not
>> present. But thanks anyway!
>>> 2015-07-21 11:30 GMT+03:00 Daniel Depaoli <daniel.depaoli at create-net.org
>>> >:
>>>> Hi all! I'm writing a fuel plugin that depends on another plugin, in
>>>> particular one plugin install node-js and the other plugin install a
>>>> software that uses nodejs.
>>>> What i did is to add a condition in environment_config.yaml:
>>>> ```
>>>> * restrictions:*
>>>> * - condition: "settings:fuel-plugin-node-js.metadata.enabled ==
>>>> false"*
>>>> * action: "disable"*
>>>> * message: "Node JS must be present and enabled"*
>>>> *```*
>>>> This work if fuel-plugin-node-js is present, but doesn't work otherwise.
>>>> So I tried with:
>>>> ```
>>>> *- condition: "settings:fuel-plugin-node-js
>>>> and settings:fuel-plugin-node-js.metadata.enabled == false"*
>>>> *```*
>>>> but with the same result: it works only if the first plugin is present.
>>>> Can you help me?
>>>> --
>>>> ========================================================
>>>> Daniel Depaoli
>>>> CREATE-NET Research Center
>>>> Smart Infrastructures Area
>>>> Junior Research Engineer
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>>> --
>>> Vitaly Kramskikh,
>>> Fuel UI Tech Lead,
>>> Mirantis, Inc.
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>> ========================================================
>> Daniel Depaoli
>> CREATE-NET Research Center
>> Smart Infrastructures Area
>> Junior Research Engineer
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> --
> Vitaly Kramskikh,
> Fuel UI Tech Lead,
> Mirantis, Inc.
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Daniel Depaoli
CREATE-NET Research Center
Smart Infrastructures Area
Junior Research Engineer
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