[openstack-dev] [nova] Proposal for an Experiment

Joshua Harlow harlowja at outlook.com
Thu Jul 16 04:44:05 UTC 2015

Chris Friesen wrote:
> On 07/15/2015 09:31 AM, Joshua Harlow wrote:
>> I do like experiments!
>> What about going even farther and trying to integrate somehow into mesos?
>> https://mesos.apache.org/documentation/latest/mesos-architecture/
>> Replace the hadooop executor, MPI executor with a 'VM executor' and
>> perhaps we
>> could eliminate a large part of the scheduler code (just a thought)...
> Is the mesos scheduler sufficiently generic as to encompass all the
> filters we currently have in nova?

IMHO some of these should probably have never existed in the first 
place: ie 
since they are near impossible to ever migrate away from once created (a 
"JSON-based grammar for selecting hosts", like woah). So if someone is 
going to do a comparison/experiment I'd hope that they can overlook some 
of the filters that should likely never have been created in the first 
place ;)

> Chris
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