[openstack-dev] [all][tests][swift] Fix it friday! [mock failure in CI] - fix for Swift

Victor Stinner vstinner at redhat.com
Fri Jul 10 11:07:16 UTC 2015

Here is a fix for Swift:


On 10/07/2015 09:45, Robert Collins wrote:
> Good news everybody, mock 1.1.0 is now out. This backports all the
> improvements over the last couple of years, making it fully
> synchronised with cPython master. Yay.
> Bad news. Lots of unit tests jobs have suffered falled from this.
> But - none of the things I've looked into so far are bugs in mock 1.1.0.
> One of the improvements in mock is to fail when a bad method is called.
> Consider this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/200384/1/taskflow/tests/unit/test_engine_helpers.py
> Note the old method: mock_import.assert_called_onec_with(name)
> That method never existed. onec is a typo :).
> mock 1.0.1 silently accepts that - thats part of its job. But, its a
> very fragile API.
> 1.1.0 makes that an error, for methods with assert prefixes - unless
> unsafe is specifically requested. So a big chunk of the failing tests
> are tests that were not testing anything *at all*.
> One common exampled of that is 'assert_called' - another method that
> never ever existed. All our tests using that were testing nothing at
> all.
> Neutron is failing on a bunch of tests that accessed a private
> function inside mock. I'm surprised reviewers didn't spot this, but
> _patch isn't part of the public API, and never was.
> Tempest seems to be failing due to a different object being returned -
> I haven't dug deep enough to describe the cause in more detail.
> We can probably pin mock back to 1.0.1 locally within projects to gain
> breathing room, but given the API improvements in 1.1.0 (see below[1]
> as readthedocs is failing to build it due to having an old pip in
> their virtualenvs :/) - I think we'll be much better off adopting it
> as quickly as we can. NB: with this release we don't need to use
> 'unittest.mock' for Python3.4 - we can just standardise on using
> 'mock' across the board, which is much simpler and easier to reason
> about (same codebase everywhere[2])
> [2]: Python 2.6 support was dropped in 1.1.0, so we need to use
> markers to select 1.0.1 for the remaining 2.6 gate jobs. (We should
> kill those of asap).
> [1]:
> - Issue #23310: Fix MagicMock's initializer to work with __methods__, just
>    like configure_mock().  Patch by Kasia Jachim.
> - Issue #23568: Add rdivmod support to MagicMock() objects.
>    Patch by Håkan Lövdahl.
> - Issue #23581: Add matmul support to MagicMock. Patch by Håkan Lövdahl.
> - Issue #23326: Removed __ne__ implementations.  Since fixing default __ne__
>    implementation in issue #21408 they are redundant. *** NOT BACKPORTED ***
> - Issue #21270: We now override tuple methods in mock.call objects so that
>    they can be used as normal call attributes.
> - Issue #21256: Printout of keyword args should be in deterministic order in
>    a mock function call. This will help to write better doctests.
> - Issue #21262: New method assert_not_called for Mock.
>    It raises AssertionError if the mock has been called.
> - Issue #21238: New keyword argument `unsafe` to Mock. It raises
>    `AttributeError` incase of an attribute startswith assert or assret.
> - Issue #21239: patch.stopall() didn't work deterministically when the same
>    name was patched more than once.
> - Issue #21222: Passing name keyword argument to mock.create_autospec now
>    works.
> - Issue #17826: setting an iterable side_effect on a mock function created by
>    create_autospec now works. Patch by Kushal Das.
> - Issue #17826: setting an iterable side_effect on a mock function created by
>    create_autospec now works. Patch by Kushal Das.
> - Issue #20968: unittest.mock.MagicMock now supports division.
>    Patch by Johannes Baiter.
> - Issue #20189: unittest.mock now no longer assumes that any object for
>    which it could get an inspect.Signature is a callable written in Python.
>    Fix courtesy of Michael Foord.
> - Issue #17467: add readline and readlines support to mock_open in
>    unittest.mock.
> - Issue #17015: When it has a spec, a Mock object now inspects its signature
>    when matching calls, so that arguments can be matched positionally or
>    by name.
> - Issue #15323: improve failure message of Mock.assert_called_once_with
> - Issue #14857: fix regression in references to PEP 3135 implicit __class__
>    closure variable (Reopens issue #12370)
> - Issue #14295: Add unittest.mock
> -Rob

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