[openstack-dev] [Ironic] RAID interface - backing disk hints

Ramakrishnan G rameshg87.openstack at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 13:58:46 UTC 2015

Hi All,

This is regarding the RAID configuration spec that was posted for review
some time back:

This review consists of a generic RAID interface currently proposed jointly
by Redhat (for DRAC hardware) and HP (for iLO hardware).   This spec
defines a common interface for doing RAID configuration which can be used
for both drivers for now, and may be followed by any driver later on who
wishes to implement RAID configuration.

In the changes proposed in the spec, the driver should be able to figure
out the disks to be used for creating RAID on the machine, when some hints
are given by the operator to Ironic.  The hints help Ironic to figure out
what disks should be used for creating RAID.  Initially we started with a
few (namely disk type (ssd vs hdd) and interface type (scsi vs sata vs
...), etc.  But later on due to request from some other folks to include
some more criterias (namely filter disks based on inputs on model, firmware
version, vendor due to various reasons), we added it to the list of hints.

Now, we have
* some set of folks *who don't want *model, firmware version, vendor as
criteria because if they are added, every driver would need to implement
* some set of folks *who want *model, firmware version, vendor as criteria
because there are practical use-cases in an environment.

We have confirmed that filtering based on model, firmware version and
vendor can be done on both HP and DRAC hardware for now.

I would like to hear everyone's thoughts and probably reach a conclusion of
whether be open to include more criteria or not.

Please pour in your thoughts on the thread

Ramakrishnan (irc: rameshg87)
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