[openstack-dev] [Heat] Support status of Heat resource types

Qiming Teng tengqim at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Sun Jan 18 12:41:46 UTC 2015

Dear all,
One question we constantly get from Heat users is about the support
status of resource types. Some users are not well informed of this
information so that is something we can improve.

Though some resource types are already labelled with support status,
there are quite some of them not identified yet. Helps are needed to
complete the list.

| name                                     | support_status | since  |
| AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup       |                | 2014.1 |
| AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration    |                |        |
| AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy          |                |        |
| AWS::CloudFormation::Stack               |                |        |
| AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition       |                | 2014.1 |
| AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle |                | 2014.1 |
| AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm                   |                |        |
| AWS::EC2::EIP                            |                |        |
| AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation                 |                |        |
| AWS::EC2::Instance                       |                |        |
| AWS::EC2::InternetGateway                |                |        |
| AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface               |                |        |
| AWS::EC2::RouteTable                     |                | 2014.1 |
| AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup                  |                |        |
| AWS::EC2::Subnet                         |                |        |
| AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation    |                |        |
| AWS::EC2::VPC                            |                |        |
| AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment           |                |        |
| AWS::EC2::Volume                         |                |        |
| AWS::EC2::VolumeAttachment               |                |        |
| AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer  |                |        |
| AWS::IAM::AccessKey                      |                |        |
| AWS::IAM::User                           |                |        |
| AWS::RDS::DBInstance                     |                |        |
| AWS::S3::Bucket                          |                |        |
| My::TestResource                         |                |        |
| OS::Ceilometer::Alarm                    |                |        |
| OS::Ceilometer::CombinationAlarm         |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Cinder::Volume                       |                |        |
| OS::Cinder::VolumeAttachment             |                |        |
| OS::Glance::Image                        |                | 2014.2 |
| OS::Heat::AccessPolicy                   |                |        |
| OS::Heat::AutoScalingGroup               |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Heat::CloudConfig                    |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Heat::HARestarter                    | DEPRECATED     |        |
| OS::Heat::InstanceGroup                  |                |        |
| OS::Heat::MultipartMime                  |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Heat::RandomString                   |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Heat::ResourceGroup                  |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Heat::ScalingPolicy                  |                |        |
| OS::Heat::SoftwareComponent              |                | 2014.2 |
| OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig                 |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment             |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployments            |                | 2014.2 |
| OS::Heat::Stack                          |                |        |
| OS::Heat::StructuredConfig               |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment           |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments          |                | 2014.2 |
| OS::Heat::SwiftSignal                    |                | 2014.2 |
| OS::Heat::SwiftSignalHandle              |                | 2014.2 |
| OS::Heat::UpdateWaitConditionHandle      |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Heat::WaitCondition                  |                | 2014.2 |
| OS::Heat::WaitConditionHandle            |                | 2014.2 |
| OS::Neutron::Firewall                    |                |        |
| OS::Neutron::FirewallPolicy              |                |        |
| OS::Neutron::FirewallRule                |                |        |
| OS::Neutron::FloatingIP                  |                |        |
| OS::Neutron::FloatingIPAssociation       |                |        |
| OS::Neutron::HealthMonitor               |                |        |
| OS::Neutron::IKEPolicy                   |                |        |
| OS::Neutron::IPsecPolicy                 |                |        |
| OS::Neutron::IPsecSiteConnection         |                |        |
| OS::Neutron::LoadBalancer                |                |        |
| OS::Neutron::MeteringLabel               |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Neutron::MeteringRule                |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Neutron::Net                         |                |        |
| OS::Neutron::NetworkGateway              |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Neutron::Pool                        |                |        |
| OS::Neutron::PoolMember                  |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Neutron::Port                        |                |        |
| OS::Neutron::ProviderNet                 |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Neutron::Router                      |                |        |
| OS::Neutron::RouterGateway               | DEPRECATED     |        |
| OS::Neutron::RouterInterface             |                |        |
| OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup               |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Neutron::Subnet                      |                |        |
| OS::Neutron::VPNService                  |                |        |
| OS::Nova::FloatingIP                     |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Nova::FloatingIPAssociation          |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Nova::KeyPair                        |                | 2014.1 |
| OS::Nova::Server                         |                |        |
| OS::Nova::ServerGroup                    |                | 2014.2 |
| OS::Sahara::Cluster                      |                |        |
| OS::Sahara::ClusterTemplate              |                | 2014.2 |
| OS::Sahara::NodeGroupTemplate            |                | 2014.2 |
| OS::Swift::Container                     |                |        |
| OS::Trove::Instance                      |                | 2014.1 |

The list above is generated via two patches under review.
Server side:
Client side:


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