Hi everyone, Following the adoption by the Technical Committee of the project structure reform specification[1], I proposed a number of initial changes[2] on the governance repository. [1] http://governance.openstack.org/resolutions/20141202-project-structure-reform-spec.html [2] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/governance+branch:master+topic:tag-template,n,z I attract your attention of the 3rd change in this series[3], which proposes the new, simpler, more objective requirements to place on future entrants in the realm of "OpenStack projects". Everyone has a slightly different idea on the amount and nature of those, so feel free to comment on this thread and/or the review itself. [3] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/145740/ The current version proposed is a strawman based on the "are you one of us" test that Monty originally proposed on [4] and the example list that was included in the spec. I expect it to be heavily discussed and to evolve a bit before it's actually voted on and adopted by the Technical Committee. [4] http://inaugust.com/post/108 So if you have a strong opinion on that, please join the discussion now :) -- Thierry Carrez (ttx)