[openstack-dev] [Neutron] (RE: Change in openstack/neutron-specs[master]: Introducing Tap-as-a-Service)

Kyle Mestery mestery at mestery.com
Wed Feb 25 01:32:50 UTC 2015

There is a -2 (from me). And this was done from the auto-abandon script
which I try to run once a month.

As Kevin said, the suggestion multiple times was to do a StackForge project
for this work, that's the best way forward here.

On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 5:01 PM, CARVER, PAUL <pc2929 at att.com> wrote:

> Maybe I'm misreading review.o.o, but I don't see the -2. There was a -2
> from Salvatore Orlando with the comment "The -2 on this patch is only to
> deter further comments" and a link to 140292, but 140292 has a comment from
> Kyle saying it's been abandoned in favor of going back to 96149. Are we in
> a loop here?
> We're moving forward internally with proprietary mechanisms for attaching
> analyzers but it sure would be nice if there were a standard API. Anybody
> who thinks switches don't need SPAN/mirror ports has probably never working
> in Operations on a real production network where SLAs were taken seriously
> and enforced.
> I know there's been a lot of heated discussion around this spec for a
> variety of reasons, but there isn't an enterprise class hardware switch on
> the market that doesn't support SPAN/mirror. Lack of this capability is a
> glaring omission in Neutron that keeps Operations type folks opposed to
> using it because it causes them to lose visibility that they've had for
> ages. We're getting a lot of pressure to continue deploying hardware
> analyzers and/or deploy non-OpenStack mechanisms for implementing
> tap/SPAN/mirror capability when I'd much rather integrate the analyzers
> into OpenStack.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kyle Mestery (Code Review) [mailto:review at openstack.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 17:37
> To: vinay yadhav
> Cc: CARVER, PAUL; Marios Andreou; Sumit Naiksatam; Anil Rao; Carlos
> Gonçalves; YAMAMOTO Takashi; Ryan Moats; Pino de Candia; Isaku Yamahata;
> Tomoe Sugihara; Stephen Wong; Kanzhe Jiang; Bao Wang; Bob Melander;
> Salvatore Orlando; Armando Migliaccio; Mohammad Banikazemi; mark mcclain;
> Henry Gessau; Adrian Hoban; Hareesh Puthalath; Subrahmanyam Ongole; Fawad
> Khaliq; Baohua Yang; Maruti Kamat; Stefano Maffulli 'reed'; Akihiro Motoki;
> ijw-ubuntu; Stephen Gordon; Rudrajit Tapadar; Alan Kavanagh; Zoltán Lajos
> Kis
> Subject: Change in openstack/neutron-specs[master]: Introducing
> Tap-as-a-Service
> Kyle Mestery has abandoned this change.
> Change subject: Introducing Tap-as-a-Service
> ......................................................................
> Abandoned
> This review is > 4 weeks without comment and currently blocked by a core
> reviewer with a -2. We are abandoning this for now. Feel free to reactivate
> the review by pressing the restore button and contacting the reviewer with
> the -2 on this review to ensure you address their concerns.
> --
> To view, visit https://review.openstack.org/96149
> To unsubscribe, visit https://review.openstack.org/settings
> Gerrit-MessageType: abandon
> Gerrit-Change-Id: I087d9d2a802ea39c02259f17d2b8c4e2f6d8d714
> Gerrit-PatchSet: 8
> Gerrit-Project: openstack/neutron-specs
> Gerrit-Branch: master
> Gerrit-Owner: vinay yadhav <vinay.yadhav at ericsson.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Adrian Hoban <adrian.hoban at intel.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Akihiro Motoki <amotoki at gmail.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Alan Kavanagh <alan.kavanagh at ericsson.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Anil Rao <arao012 at gmail.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Armando Migliaccio <armamig at gmail.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Bao Wang <baowang98 at yahoo.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Baohua Yang <baohua at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Bob Melander <bob.melander at gmail.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Carlos Gonçalves <mail at cgoncalves.pt>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Fawad Khaliq <fawad at plumgrid.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Hareesh Puthalath <hareesh.puthalath at gmail.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Henry Gessau <gessau at cisco.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Isaku Yamahata <yamahata.review at gmail.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Jenkins
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Kanzhe Jiang <kanzhe at gmail.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Kyle Mestery <mestery at mestery.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Marios Andreou <marios at redhat.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Maruti Kamat <maruti.kamat at hp.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Mohammad Banikazemi <mb at us.ibm.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Paul Carver <pcarver at att.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Pino de Candia <gdecandia at midokura.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Rudrajit Tapadar <rudrajit.tapadar at gmail.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Ryan Moats <rmoats at us.ibm.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Salvatore Orlando <salv.orlando at gmail.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Stefano Maffulli 'reed' <stefano at openstack.org>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Stephen Gordon <sgordon at redhat.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Stephen Wong <stephen.kf.wong at gmail.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Subrahmanyam Ongole <songole at oneconvergence.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Sumit Naiksatam <sumitnaiksatam at gmail.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Tomoe Sugihara <tomoe at midokura.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Welcome, new contributor!
> Gerrit-Reviewer: YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamamoto at valinux.co.jp>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: Zoltán Lajos Kis <zoltan.lajos.kis at ericsson.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: ijw-ubuntu <iawells at cisco.com>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: mark mcclain <mark at mcclain.xyz>
> Gerrit-Reviewer: vinay yadhav <vinay.yadhav at ericsson.com>
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