[openstack-dev] [Fuel] [UI] Sorting and filtering of node list

Vitaly Kramskikh vkramskikh at mirantis.com
Thu Feb 19 10:05:30 UTC 2015

I think all these operations for nodes (grouping, sorting, filtering) can
be done on the backend, but we can do it completely on the UI side and
shouldn't wait for backend implementation. We can switch to it after it
becomes available.

2015-02-17 19:44 GMT+07:00 Sergey Vasilenko <svasilenko at mirantis.com>:

> +1, sorting is should be...
> Paginating may be too, but not activated by default.
> /sv
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Vitaly Kramskikh,
Fuel UI Tech Lead,
Mirantis, Inc.
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