Just starting this discussion… This is in reference to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/python-neutronclient/+spec/pluggable-neutronclient-auth Originally the blueprint was for python-neutronclient only, but pluggable auth is a wide-reaching issue. With OSC/SDK on the horizon (however far), we should probably begin the discussion of how to best do this (if it hasn't been done). A request: We have an immediate need to add pluggable auth to the python-neutronclient, modeled after python-novaclient's pluggable auth system, to maintain a consistent workflow for our users. After the discussion in the neutron-drivers meeting (http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/neutron_drivers/2015/neutron_drivers.2015-02-18-15.31.log.html) it is clear that python-neutronclient will survive for Kilo +12 months, at least. During that timeframe we'd like to have pluggable auth supported so we can bridge that gap. Beyond that immediate need, we are dedicated to making OSC/SDK the way to go in the future, and will gladly assist in adding said features. We have a solution for our immediate solution but that may not apply to OSC/SDK. So my questions are: * Would you benefit from pluggable auth? * What are you looking for in auth? * Would you benefit from the python-neutronclient getting nova's auth capabilities? Thank you for your time! - Justin (roaet) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/attachments/20150218/80360be2/attachment.html>