[openstack-dev] [glance]'Add' capability to the HTTP store

Jordan Pittier jordan.pittier at scality.com
Fri Feb 13 15:01:26 UTC 2015

>What is the difference between just calling the Glance API to upload an
image, versus adding add() functionality to the HTTP image store?
You mean using "glance image-create --location http://server1/myLinuxImage
[..]" ? If so, I guess adding the add() functionality will save the user
from having to find the right POST curl/wget command to properly upload his

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 3:55 PM, Jay Pipes <jaypipes at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 02/13/2015 09:47 AM, Jordan Pittier wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I would like to add the 'add' capability to the HTTP glance store.
>> Let's say I (as an operator or cloud admin) provide an HTTP server where
>> (authenticated/trusted) users/clients can make the following HTTP request
>> :
>> POST http://server1/myLinuxImage HTTP/1.1
>> Host: server1
>> Content-Length: 256000000
>> Content-Type: application/octet-stream
>> mybinarydata[..]
>> Then the HTTP server will store the binary data, somewhere (for instance
>> locally), some how (for instance in a plain file), so that the data is
>> later on accessible by a simple GET http://server1/myLinuxImage
>> In that case, this HTTP server could easily be a full fleshed Glance
>> store.
>> Questions :
>> 1) Has this been already discussed/proposed ? If so, could someone give
>> me a pointer to this work ?
>> 2) Can I start working on this ? (the 2 main work items are : 'add an
>> add method to glance_store._drivers.http.__Store' and 'add a delete
>> method to glance_store._drivers.http.__Store (HTTP DELETE method)'
> What is the difference between just calling the Glance API to upload an
> image, versus adding add() functionality to the HTTP image store?
> Best,
> -jay
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