[openstack-dev] [sahara] Shell Action, Re: Running HBase Jobs (was: About Sahara Oozie plan)

Trevor McKay tmckay at redhat.com
Thu Feb 12 22:15:22 UTC 2015

Hi folks,

Here is another way to do this.  Lu had mentioned Oozie shell actions
Sahara doesn't support them, but I played with it from the Oozie command
to verify that it solves our hbase problem, too.

We can potentially create a blueprint to build a simple Shell action
around a
user-supplied script and supporting files.  The script and files would
all be stored
in Sahara as job binaries (Swift or internal db) and referenced the same
way. The exec
target must be on the path at runtime, or included in the working dir.

To do this, I simply put workflow.xml, doit.sh, and the test jar into
a directory in hdfs.  Then I ran it with the Oozie cli using the job.xml
config file
configured to point at the hdfs dir.  Nothing special here, just
standard Oozie
job execution.

I've attached everything here but the test jar.

$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -config job.xml -run



On Thu, 2015-02-12 at 08:39 -0500, Trevor McKay wrote:

> Hi Lu, folks,
> I've been investigating how to run Java actions in Sahara EDP that
> depend on 
> HBase libraries (see snippet from the original question by Lu below).
> In a nutshell, we need to use Oozie sharelibs for this. I am working
> on a spec now, thinking 
> about the best way to support this in Sahara, but here is a
> semi-manual intermediate solution
> that will work if you would like to run such a job from Sahara.
> 1) Create your own Oozie sharelib that contains the HBase jars.
> This ultimately is just an HDFS dir holding the jars.  On any node in
> your cluster with 
> HBase installed, run the attached script or something like it (I like
> Python better than bash :) )
> It simply separates the classpath and uploads all the jars to the
> specified HDFS dir.
> $ parsePath.py /user/myhbaselib
> 2) Run your Java action from EDP, but use the oozie.libpath
> configuration value when you
> launch the job.  For example, on the job configure tab set
> oozie.libpath like this:
> Name                    Value
> oozie.libpath        hdfs://namenode:8020/user/myhbaselib
> (note, support for this was added in
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/154214/)
> That's it! In general, you can add any jars that you want to a
> sharelib and then set the
> oozie.libpath for the job to access them.
> Here is a good blog entry about sharelibs and extra jars in Oozie
> jobs:
> http://blog.cloudera.com/blog/2014/05/how-to-use-the-sharelib-in-apache-oozie-cdh-5/
> Best,
> Trevor
> --- original question
> (1)     EDP job in Java action
>    The background is that we want write integration test case for
> newly added services like HBase, zookeeper just like the way the
> edp-examples does( sample code under sahara/etc/edp-examples/). So I
> thought I can wrote an example via edp job by Java action to test
> HBase Service, then I wrote the HBaseTest.java and packaged as a jar
> file, and run this jar manually with the command "java -cp `hbase
> classpath` HBaseTest.jar HBaseTest", it works well in the
> vm(provisioned by sahara with cdh plugin). 
> “/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle-cloudera/bin/java -cp
> "HBaseTest.jar:`hbase classpath`" HBaseTest”
> So I want run this job via horizon in sahara job execution page, but
> found no place to pass the `hbase classpath` parameter.(I have tried
> java_opt and configuration and args, all failed). When I pass the “-cp
> `hbase classpath`” to java_opts in horizon job execution page. Oozie
> raise this error as below
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