[openstack-dev] [oslo.messaging] notification listener; same target with multiple executors

Boden Russell bodenvmw at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 18:48:05 UTC 2015

Is it possible to have multiple oslo messaging notification listeners
using different executors on the same target?

For example, I was to create multiple notification listeners [1] each
using a different executor for the same set of targets (e.g.

When I try this [2], only the endpoints associated with the 1st listener
(server) are executed. Note that I'm using rabbitmq this very ad-hoc
test and listening for glance notifications. Also I've tried returning
different results in my endpoint methods.

Finally - when I try [2] and set each listener pool name to different
values; none of my endpoints are executed. This ?might? be a bug, but
needs additional investigation.

I'm still digging into the oslo.messaging impl, but hoping someone here
has existing knowledge on this topic.

Thanks for any assistance.

[1] http://goo.gl/9JHUkz
[2] http://paste.openstack.org/show/172265/

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