[openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [Ceilometer] Real world experience with Ceilometer deployments - Feedback requested

Jordan Pittier jordan.pittier at scality.com
Thu Feb 12 18:00:10 UTC 2015

My experience with Ceilometer is that MongoDB is/was a major bottleneck.
You need sharding + servers with lot of RAM. You need to set TTL on your
samples, and only save in DB the metrics that really mater to you. MongoDB
v3 should also help.

Regarding RabbitMQ pressure, I think this blueprint helps a lot

And also, you should make your own tests because there has been a lot of
FUD around Ceilometer.


On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 6:23 PM, Diego Parrilla Santamaría <
diego.parrilla.santamaria at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Mash,
> we dropped Ceilometer as the core tool to gather metrics for our rating
> and billing system. I must admit it has improved, but I think it's broken
> by design: a metering and monitoring system is not the same thing.
> We have built a component that directly listens from rabbit notification
> tools (a-la-Stacktach). This tool stores the all events in a database (but
> anything could work, it's just a logging system) and then we process these
> events and store them in a datamart style database every hour. The rating
> and billing system reads this database and process it every hour too. We
> decided to implement this pipeline processing of data because we knew in
> advance that processing such an amount of data was a challenge.
> I think Ceilometer should be used just to trigger alarms for heat for
> example, and something else should be used for rating and billing.
> Cheers
> Diego
>  --
> Diego Parrilla
> <http://www.stackops.com/>*CEO*
> *www.stackops.com <http://www.stackops.com/> | *
> diego.parrilla at stackops.com | +34 91 005-2164 | skype:diegoparrilla
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 8:37 PM, Maish Saidel-Keesing <maishsk at maishsk.com
> > wrote:
>> Is Ceilometer ready for prime time?
>> I would be interested in hearing from people who have deployed OpenStack
>> clouds with Ceilometer, and their experience. Some of the topics I am
>> looking for feedback on are:
>> - Database Size
>> - MongoDB management, Sharding, replica sets etc.
>> - Replication strategies
>> - Database backup/restore
>> - Overall useability
>> - Gripes, pains and problems (things to look out for)
>> - Possible replacements for Ceilometer that you have used instead
>> If you are willing to share - I am sure it will be beneficial to the
>> whole community.
>> Thanks in Advance
>> With best regards,
>> Maish Saidel-Keesing
>> Platform Architect
>> Cisco
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