[openstack-dev] port-create with network from a different tenant does not fail

Varun Lodaya Varun_Lodaya at symantec.com
Tue Feb 10 22:26:42 UTC 2015


We were seeing this issue where if the user role is admin in 2 tenants A and B and he issues neutron port-create <network-id> in tenant A where <network-id> is in tenant B, it ends up creating that port. Ideally, it should have failed since you cannot have the port/network in different tenants.

varunlodaya at ubuntu:~/devstack$ neutron port-show fc6917ea-0c0c-4ec5-9202-4441701c9984
| Field                 | Value                                                                            |
| admin_state_up        | True                                                                             |
| allowed_address_pairs |                                                                                  |
| binding:host_id       |                                                                                  |
| binding:profile       | {}                                                                               |
| binding:vif_details   | {}                                                                               |
| binding:vif_type      | unbound                                                                          |
| binding:vnic_type     | normal                                                                           |
| device_id             |                                                                                  |
| device_owner          |                                                                                  |
| extra_dhcp_opts       |                                                                                  |
| fixed_ips             | {"subnet_id": "8c9f5682-daf8-40e1-9b6a-57cfed7f024c", "ip_address": ""} |
| id                    | fc6917ea-0c0c-4ec5-9202-4441701c9984                                             |
| mac_address           | fa:16:3e:18:6e:95                                                                |
| name                  |                                                                                  |
| network_id            | 0036a345-35ea-42c8-a66c-f9831d0a03a5                                             |
| security_groups       | 45786089-d53f-4eec-8be6-cb49766e55c1                                             |
| status                | DOWN                                                                             |
| tenant_id             | d0d1e6e21268418b8888b0adcea413a3                                                 |
varunlodaya at ubuntu:~/devstack$ neutron net-show 0036a345-35ea-42c8-a66c-f9831d0a03a5
| Field                     | Value                                |
| admin_state_up            | True                                 |
| id                        | 0036a345-35ea-42c8-a66c-f9831d0a03a5 |
| name                      | alt_private                          |
| provider:network_type     | vxlan                                |
| provider:physical_network |                                      |
| provider:segmentation_id  | 1003                                 |
| router:external           | False                                |
| shared                    | False                                |
| status                    | ACTIVE                               |
| subnets                   | 8c9f5682-daf8-40e1-9b6a-57cfed7f024c |
| tenant_id                 | 099bfd6e59434b51a479ab7142ff01df     |
varunlodaya at ubuntu:~/devstack$

Is this an expected behavior or a known bug? Should I create a new one?

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