[openstack-dev] [heat]How does heat work when deleting the stack?

zhu4236926 zhu4236926 at 126.com
Tue Dec 29 15:50:00 UTC 2015

Hi guys,
    I created a stack with several resources, for example, resource A,B,C,and B depends on A, C depends on B,.Now I delete the stack , then heat would delete resource C, then resource B, at last, resource A, isn't it?
Suppose that the resource C has been deleted, but an error occurred when deleteing the reousrce B,  then the deleting stack task is failed. I try again delete the stack, heat would delele the resource C again,but resource C
has been deleted, so what would happen? Raise a exception or work by other way to avoid this, or could you give me a hand to understand this. 
    Thank you very much.




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