[openstack-dev] [Fuel] Different versions for different components

Bartłomiej Piotrowski bpiotrowski at mirantis.com
Wed Dec 16 09:55:34 UTC 2015

On 2015-12-15 18:16, Roman Prykhodchenko wrote:
> Aleksandra,
> thank you for the clarification, it makes sense to me now.
> In my opinion our current approach is not flexible at all and very outdated.

After splitting fuel-web to smaller components we realized that some of
them may be actually used outside of a master node as standalone things.

In this case it is required for some of them to be distributable and
upgradable over PyPi. It’s also required for different components to be
able to make

 minor releases to release important bug fixes and improvements for
users that use them outside their master nodes. For that we should be
able to modify the minor version independently.
> Do you think it is possible to achieve in the observable future.


there are tens of different workflows related to managing version during
development cycle. It's hard to call any of these "outdated". Bumping
the release number right after branching (and/or tagging) stable one is
pretty common and I don't see what is actually wrong with it.

I think Alexandra clearly described how our workflow looks like. It
doesn't limit making minor releases or pushing these to PyPI. Is there
some reason that makes it impossible to push fuelclient 7.* to Debian
repositories? You didn't describe anything specific in last two messages.


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