[openstack-dev] [oslo][oslo.log]

Joshua Harlow harlowja at fastmail.com
Tue Dec 15 18:49:00 UTC 2015

IMHO, go for it, the yaml should probably be of the format that the 
following uses so that it's easily known what the format actually is:


So convert yaml -> that dict format -> profit!


Vladislav Kuzmin wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to specify all my option in yaml file, because it is much more
> readable. But I must use ini file, because oslo.log using
> logging.config.fileConfig for reading the config file
> (https://github.com/openstack/oslo.log/blob/master/oslo_log/log.py#L216)
> Why we cannot use yaml file? Can I propose solution for that?
> Thanks.
> |||||
> |
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