[openstack-dev] neutron metadata-agent HA

Gary Kotton gkotton at vmware.com
Sun Dec 13 12:49:49 UTC 2015

From: Eugene Nikanorov <enikanorov at mirantis.com<mailto:enikanorov at mirantis.com>>
Reply-To: OpenStack List <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>>
Date: Sunday, December 13, 2015 at 12:09 PM
To: OpenStack List <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>>
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] neutron metadata-agent HA

It is as 'single' as active L3 router that is handling traffic at current point of time.

[Gary] But if the l3 agent is up and running and the metadataproxy is not then all of the instances using that agent will not be able to get their metadata.

On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 11:13 AM, Gary Kotton <gkotton at vmware.com<mailto:gkotton at vmware.com>> wrote:

On 12/12/15, 10:44 PM, "Assaf Muller" <amuller at redhat.com<mailto:amuller at redhat.com>> wrote:

>The neutron metadata agent is stateless. It takes requests from the
>metadata proxies running in the router namespaces and moves the
>requests on to the nova server. If you're using HA routers, start the
>neutron-metadata-agent on every machine the L3 agent runs, and just
>make sure that the metadata-agent is restarted in case it crashes and
>you're done.

So does this mean that it could be the single point of failure?

>Nothing else you need to do.
>On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 3:24 PM, Fabrizio Soppelsa
><fsoppelsa at mirantis.com<mailto:fsoppelsa at mirantis.com>> wrote:
>> On Dec 10, 2015, at 12:56 AM, Alvise Dorigo <alvise.dorigo at pd.infn.it<mailto:alvise.dorigo at pd.infn.it>>
>> wrote:
>> So my question is: is there any progress on this topic ? is there a way
>> (something like a cronjob script) to make the metadata-agent redundant
>> without involving the clustering software Pacemaker/Corosync ?
>> Reason for such a dirty solution instead of rely onto pacemaker?
>> I’m not aware of such initiatives - just checked the blueprints in Neutron
>> and I found no relevant. I can suggest to file a proposal to the
>> correspondent launchpad page, by elaborating your idea.
>> F.
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