[openstack-dev] [python-glanceclient] Return request-id to caller
Kekane, Abhishek
Abhishek.Kekane at nttdata.com
Thu Dec 10 07:26:26 UTC 2015
-----Original Message-----
From: stuart.mclaren at hp.com [mailto:stuart.mclaren at hp.com]
Sent: 09 December 2015 23:54
To: openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [python-glanceclient] Return request-id to caller
> Excerpts from Flavio Percoco's message of 2015-12-09 09:09:10 -0430:
>> On 09/12/15 11:33 +0000, Kekane, Abhishek wrote:
>>> Hi Devs,
>>> We are adding support for returning ?x-openstack-request-id? to the caller as
>>> per the design proposed in cross-project specs:
>>> http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-specs/specs/
>>> return-request-id.html
>>> Problem Description:
>>> Cannot add a new property of list type to the warlock.model object.
>>> How is a model object created:
>>> Let?s take an example of glanceclient.api.v2.images.get() call [1]:
>>> Here after getting the response we call model() method. This model() does the
>>> job of creating a warlock.model object(essentially a dict) based on the schema
>>> given as argument (image schema retrieved from glance in this case). Inside
>>> model() the raw() method simply return the image schema as JSON object. The
>>> advantage of this warlock.model object over a simple dict is that it validates
>>> any changes to object based on the rules specified in the reference schema.
>>> The keys of this model object are available as object properties to the
>>> caller.
>>> Underlying reason:
>>> The schema for different sub APIs is returned a bit differently. For images,
>>> metadef APIs glance.schema.Schema.raw() is used which returns a schema
>>> containing ?additionalProperties?: {?type?: ?string?}. Whereas for members and
>>> tasks APIs glance.schema.Schema.minimal() is used to return schema object which
>>> does not contain ?additionalProperties?.
>>> So we can add extra properties of any type to the model object returned from
>>> members or tasks API but for images and metadef APIs we can only add properties
>>> which can be of type string. Also for the latter case we depend on the glance
>>> configuration to allow additional properties.
>>> As per our analysis we have come up with two approaches for resolving this
>>> issue:
>>> Approach #1: Inject request_ids property in the warlock model object in glance
>>> client
>>> Here we do the following:
>>> 1. Inject the ?request_ids? as additional property into the model object
>>> (returned from model())
>>> 2. Return the model object which now contains request_ids property
>>> Limitations:
>>> 1. Because the glance schemas for images and metadef only allows additional
>>> properties of type string, so even though natural type of request_ids should be
>>> list we have to make it as a comma separated ?string? of request ids as a
>>> compromise.
>>> 2. Lot of extra code is needed to wrap objects returned from the client API so
>>> that the caller can get request ids. For example we need to write wrapper
>>> classes for dict, list, str, tuple, generator.
>>> 3. Not a good design as we are adding a property which should actually be a
>>> base property but added as additional property as a compromise.
>>> 4. There is a dependency on glance whether to allow custom/additional
>>> properties or not. [2]
>>> Approach #2: Add ?request_ids? property to all schema definitions in glance
>>> Here we add ?request_ids? property as follows to the various APIs (schema):
>>> ?request_ids?: {
>>> "type": "array",
>>> "items": {
>>> "type": "string"
>>> }
>>> }
>>> Doing this will make changes in glance client very simple as compared to
>>> approach#1.
>>> This also looks a better design as it will be consistent.
>>> We simply need to modify the request_ids property in various API calls for
>>> example glanceclient.v2.images.get().
>> Hey Abhishek,
>> thanks for working on this.
>> To be honest, I'm a bit confused on why the request_id needs to be an
>> attribute of the image. Isn't it passed as a header? Does it have to
>> be an attribute so we can "print" it?
> The requirement they're trying to meet is to make the request id
> available to the user of the client library [1]. The user typically
> doesn't have access to the headers, so the request id needs to be
> part of the payload returned from each method. In other clients
> Will this work if the payload is image data?
I think yes, let me test this as well
> that work with simple data types, they've subclassed dict, list,
> etc. to add the extra property. This adds the request id to the
> return value without making a breaking change to the API of the
> client library.
> Abhishek, would it be possible to add the request id information
> to the schema data in glance client, before giving it to warlock?
> I don't know whether warlock asks for the schema or what form that
> data takes (dictionary, JSON blob, etc.). If it's a dictionary
> visible to the client code it would be straightforward to add data
> to it.
Yes, it is possible to add request-id to schema before giving it to warlock, but since it's a contract IMO it doesn't look good to modify schema at client side.
> Failing that, is it possible to change warlock to allow extra
> properties with arbitrary types to be added to objects? Because
> validating inputs to the constructor is all well and good, but
> breaking the ability to add data to an object is a bit un-pythonic.
IMO there is no point to change warlock as it is a 3rd party module.
> If we end up having to change the schema definitions in the Glance API,
> that also means changing those API calls to add the request id to the
> return value, right?
IMO there will be no changing API calls as request-id will be injected in glanceclient and it doesn't have any impact in glance.
Also we can make this request-id as non-mandatory if required.
> Doug
> [1] http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-specs/specs/return-request-id.html
>> As it is presented in your email, I'd probably go with option #2 but
>> I'm curious to know the answer to my question.
IMO approach #2 is better and it will be consistent to all api's to have request-id as an attribute in schema so that it will be consistent.
So we will make change in glance to add request-id as base property in schema and inject request-id in glanceclient from response headers.
The code change will be look like,
iff --git a/glance/api/v2/images.py b/glance/api/v2/images.py index bb7949c..2a760a7 100644
--- a/glance/api/v2/images.py
+++ b/glance/api/v2/images.py
@@ -807,6 +807,10 @@ class ResponseSerializer(wsgi.JSONResponseSerializer):
def get_base_properties():
return {
+ 'request_ids': {
+ 'type': 'array',
+ 'items': {'type': 'string'}
+ },
'id': {
'type': 'string',
'description': _('An identifier for the image'),
Changes in glanceclient to assign request-id from response headers
openstack at openstack-136:~/python-glanceclient$ git diff diff --git a/glanceclient/v2/images.py b/glanceclient/v2/images.py index 4fdcea2..65b0d6c 100644
--- a/glanceclient/v2/images.py
+++ b/glanceclient/v2/images.py
@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ class Controller(object):
# NOTE(bcwaldon): remove 'self' for now until we have an elegant
# way to pass it into the model constructor without conflict
body.pop('self', None)
+ body['request_ids'] = [resp.headers['x-openstack-request-id']]
return self.model(**body)
def data(self, image_id, do_checksum=True):
>>> import glanceclient
>>> glance = glanceclient.Client('2',
>>> endpoint='',
>>> token='16038d125b804eef805c7020bbebc769')
>>> get = glance.images.get('a00b6125-94d9-43a8-a497-839cf25a8fdd')
>>> get
{u'status': u'active', u'tags': [], u'container_format': u'aki', u'min_ram': 0, u'updated_at': u'2015-11-18T13:04:18Z', u'visibility': u'public', 'request_ids': ['req-68926f34-4434-45dc-822c-c4eb94506c63'], u'owner': u'd1ee7fd5dcc341c3973f19f790238e63', u'file': u'/v2/images/a00b6125-94d9-43a8-a497-839cf25a8fdd/file', u'min_disk': 0, u'virtual_size': None, u'id': u'a00b6125-94d9-43a8-a497-839cf25a8fdd', u'size': 4979632, u'name': u'cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec-kernel', u'checksum': u'8a40c862b5735975d82605c1dd395796', u'created_at': u'2015-11-18T13:04:18Z', u'disk_format': u'aki', u'protected': False, u'schema': u'/v2/schemas/image'}
>>> get.request_ids
Please suggest.
Thank You,
>> Cheers,
>> Flavio
>>> Please let us know which approach is better or any suggestions for the same.
>>> [1] https://github.com/openstack/python-glanceclient/blob/master/glanceclient/
>>> v2/images.py#L179
>>> [2] https://github.com/openstack/glance/blob/master/glance/api/v2/images.py#
>>> L944
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 15
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 21:59:50 +0800
> From: "=?utf-8?B?WmhpIENoYW5n?=" <changzhi at unitedstack.com>
> To: "=?utf-8?B?b3BlbnN0YWNrLWRldg==?="
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: [openstack-dev] [ironic]Boot physical machine fails, says
> "PXE-E11 ARP Timeout"
> Message-ID: <tencent_50BBE4336F52F9E54B5710BC at qq.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> hi, all
> I treat a normal physical machine as a bare metal machine. The physical machine booted when I run "nova boot xxx" in command line. But there is an error happens. I upload a movie in youtube, link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZQCNsrkyMI&feature=youtu.be. Could someone give me some advice?
> Thx
> Zhi Chang
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> Message: 16
> Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 09:02:38 -0500
> From: Doug Hellmann <doug at doughellmann.com>
> To: openstack-dev <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [stable] Stable team PTL nominations are
> open
> Message-ID: <1449669713-sup-8899 at lrrr.local>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Excerpts from Thierry Carrez's message of 2015-12-09 09:57:24 +0100:
>> Thierry Carrez wrote:
>>> Thierry Carrez wrote:
>>>> The nomination deadline is passed, we have two candidates!
>>>> I'll be setting up the election shortly (with Jeremy's help to generate
>>>> election rolls).
>>> OK, the election just started. Recent contributors to a stable branch
>>> (over the past year) should have received an email with a link to vote.
>>> If you haven't and think you should have, please contact me privately.
>>> The poll closes on Tuesday, December 8th at 23:59 UTC.
>>> Happy voting!
>> Election is over[1], let me congratulate Matt Riedemann for his election
>> ! Thanks to everyone who participated to the vote.
>> Now I'll submit the request for spinning off as a separate project team
>> to the governance ASAP, and we should be up and running very soon.
>> Cheers,
>> [1] http://civs.cs.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/results.pl?id=E_2f5fd6c3837eae2a
> Congratulations, Matt!
> Doug
> ------------------------------
> Message: 17
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 09:32:53 -0430
> From: Flavio Percoco <flavio at redhat.com>
> To: Jordan Pittier <jordan.pittier at scality.com>
> Cc: "OpenStack Development Mailing List \(not for usage questions\)"
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [glance][tempest][defcore] Process to
> imrpove tests coverge in temepest
> Message-ID: <20151209140253.GB10644 at redhat.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
> On 08/12/15 22:31 +0100, Jordan Pittier wrote:
>> Hi Flavio,
>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 9:52 PM, Flavio Percoco <flavio at redhat.com> wrote:
>> Oh, I meant ocasionally. Whenever a missing test for an API is found,
>> it'd be easy enough for the implementer to sohw up at the meeting and
>> bring it up.
>>> From my experience as a Tempest reviewer, I'd say that most newly added tests
>> are *not* submitted by Tempest regular contributors. I assume (wrongly ?) that
>> it's mostly people from the actual projects (e.g glance) who are interested in
>> adding new Tempest tests to test a feature recently implemented. Put
>> differently, I don't think it's part of Tempest core team/community to add new
>> tests. We mostly provide a framework and guidance these days.
> I agree that the tempest team should focus on providing the framework
> rather than the tests themselves. However, these tests are often
> contributed by ppl that are not part of the project's team.
>> But, reading this thread, I don"t know what to suggest. As a Tempest reviewer I
>> won't start a new ML thread or send a message to a PTL each time I see a new
>> test being added...I assume the patch author to know what he is doing, I can't
>> keep on with what's going on in each and every project.
> This is what I'd like to avoid. This assumption is exactly what almost
> got the tasks API test almost merged and that will likely happen for
> other things.
> I don't think it's wrong to ping someone from the community when new
> tests are added, especially because these tests are used by defcore
> as well. Adding the PTL to the review (or some liaison) is simple
> enough. We do this for many things in OpenStack. That is, we wait for
> PTLs/liaisons approval before going forward with some decisions.
>> Also, a test can be quickly removed if it is latter on deemed not so useful.
> Sure but this is wasting people's time. The contributor's, reviewer's
> and community's time as it'll have to be added, reviewed and then
> deleted.
> I agree this doesn't happen too often but the fact that it happened is
> enough of a reason for me to work on improving the process. Again,
> especially because these tests are not meant to be used just by our
> CI.
> Cheers,
> Flavio
>> Jordan
>> ?
> --
> @flaper87
> Flavio Percoco
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 18
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 09:09:17 -0500
> From: Anita Kuno <anteaya at anteaya.info>
> To: openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Evolving the stadium concept
> Message-ID: <5668360D.5030206 at anteaya.info>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
> On 12/09/2015 07:06 AM, Sean Dague wrote:
>> On 12/09/2015 01:46 AM, Armando M. wrote:
>>> On 3 December 2015 at 02:21, Thierry Carrez <thierry at openstack.org
>>> <mailto:thierry at openstack.org>> wrote:
>>> Armando M. wrote:
>>> > On 2 December 2015 at 01:16, Thierry Carrez <thierry at openstack.org <mailto:thierry at openstack.org>
>>> > <mailto:thierry at openstack.org <mailto:thierry at openstack.org>>> wrote:
>>> >> Armando M. wrote:
>>> >> >> One solution is, like you mentioned, to make some (or all) of them
>>> >> >> full-fledged project teams. Be aware that this means the TC would judge
>>> >> >> those new project teams individually and might reject them if we feel
>>> >> >> the requirements are not met. We might want to clarify what happens
>>> >> >> then.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > That's a good point. Do we have existing examples of this or would we be
>>> >> > sailing in uncharted waters?
>>> >>
>>> >> It's been pretty common that we rejected/delayed applications for
>>> >> projects where we felt they needed more alignment. In such cases, the
>>> >> immediate result for those projects if they are out of the Neutron
>>> >> "stadium" is that they would fall from the list of official projects.
>>> >> Again, I'm fine with that outcome, but I want to set expectations
>>> >> clearly :)
>>> >
>>> > Understood. It sounds to me that the outcome would be that those
>>> > projects (that may end up being rejected) would show nowhere on [1], but
>>> > would still be hosted and can rely on the support and services of the
>>> > OpenStack community, right?
>>> >
>>> > [1] http://governance.openstack.org/reference/projects/
>>> Yes they would still be hosted on OpenStack development infrastructure.
>>> Contributions would no longer count toward ATC status, so people who
>>> only contribute to those projects would no longer be able to vote in the
>>> Technical Committee election. They would not have "official" design
>>> summit space either -- they can still camp in the hallway though :)
>>> Hi folks,
>>> For whom of you is interested in the conversation, the topic was brought
>>> for discussion at the latest TC meeting [1]. Unfortunately I was unable
>>> to join, however I would like to try and respond to some of the comments
>>> made to clarify my position on the matter:
>>>> ttx: the neutron PTL say he can't vouch for anything in the neutron
>>> "stadium"
>>> To be honest that's not entirely my position.
>>> The problem stems from the fact that, if I am asked what the stadium
>>> means, as a PTL I can't give a straight answer; ttx put it relatively
>>> well (and I quote him): by adding all those projects under your own
>>> project team, you bypass the Technical Committee approval that they
>>> behave like OpenStack projects and are produced by the OpenStack
>>> community. The Neutron team basically vouches for all of them to be on
>>> par. As far as the Technical Committee goes, they are all being produced
>>> by the same team we originally blessed (the Neutron project team).
>>> The reality is: some of these projects are not produced by the same
>>> team, they do not behave the same way, and they do not follow the same
>>> practices and guidelines. For the stadium to make sense, in my humble
>>> opinion, a definition of these practices should happen and enforcement
>>> should follow, but who's got the time for policing and enforcing
>>> eviction, especially on a large scale? So we either reduce the scale
>>> (which might not be feasible because in OpenStack we're all about
>>> scaling and adding more and more and more), or we address the problem
>>> more radically by evolving the relationship from tight aggregation to
>>> loose association; this way who needs to vouch for the Neutron
>>> relationship is not the Neutron PTL, but the person sponsoring the
>>> project that wants to be associated to Neutron. On the other end, the
>>> vouching may still be pursued, but for a much more focused set of
>>> initiatives that are led by the same team.
>>>> russellb: Iattempted to start breaking down the different types of
>>> repos that are part of the stadium (consumer, api, implementation of
>>> technology, plugins/drivers).
>>> The distinction between implementation of technology, plugins/drivers
>>> and api is not justified IMO because from a neutron standpoint they all
>>> look like the same: they leverage the pluggable extensions to the
>>> Neutron core framework. As I attempted to say: we have existing plugins
>>> and drivers that implement APIs, and we have plugins that implement
>>> technology, so the extra classification seems overspecification.
>>>> flaper87: I agree a driver should not be independent
>>> Why, what's your rationale? If we dig deeper, some drivers are small
>>> code drops with no or untraceable maintainers. Some are actively
>>> developed and can be fairly complex. The spectrum is pretty wide. Either
>>> way, I think that preventing them from being independent in principle
>>> may hurt the ones that can be pretty elaborated, and the ones that are
>>> stale may hurt Neutron's reputation because we're the ones who are
>>> supposed to look after them (after all didn't we vouch for them??)
>> Armando, definitely agree with you. I think that the first step is
>> probably declaring what the core team believes they can vouch for in the
>> governance repo. Any drivers that are outside of that need to be
>> responsible for their own release and install mechanism. I think the
>> current middle ground means that no one is responsible for their release
>> / install mechanism. Which is bad for everyone.
> I think the concept of responsibility is a key concept here. I think
> that what I have been seeing is decisions being made by some folks that
> suit their needs expecting someone else to take the responsibility for
> that decision regarding the effect on the rest of the development
> community and the users.
> If we can get back down to the point where decision makers are able to
> take responsibility for their own decisions, not taking on the
> responsibility of other's in an ever expanding way, then perhaps the
> responsibility carried by some can be whittled down to a size which is
> both manageable and portable. By portable I mean something that is
> possible to be comprehended, explained and when appropriate interlaced
> with some other project's responsibility for mutual support and benefit.
> Thanks,
> Anita.
>>>> dhellmann: we have previously said that projects run by different teams
>>> talk to each other over rest interfaces as a way of clearly delineating
>>> boundaries
>>> As much as I agree wholeheartedly with this statement (which I made
>>> myself during the GBP/Neutron saga), it's unrealistic to convert the
>>> interface between Neutron and its extension mechanisms to be purely
>>> restful, especially for the price that will have to be paid in the process.
>> Over a 3 year period, what's the cost of not doing it? Both in code dept
>> and friction, as well as opportunity cost to have more interesting
>> services build of these APIs. You and the neutron team would know better
>> than I, but it's worth considering the flip side as well.
>>>> sdague:I don't think anything should be extending the neutron API that
>>> isn't controlled by the neutron core team.
>>> The core should be about the core, why would what's built on top be
>>> controlled by the core? By comparison, it's like saying a SIG on the
>>> physical layer of the OSI stack dictates what a SIG on the session layer
>>> should do. It stifles innovation and prevents problems from being solved
>>> by the right domain experts.
>> Changing the REST API isn't innovation, it's incompatibility for end
>> users. If we're ever going to have compatible clouds and a real interop
>> effort, the APIs for all our services need to be very firmly controlled.
>> Extending the API arbitrarily should be a deprecated concept across
>> OpenStack.
>> Otherwise, I have no idea what the neutron (or any other project) API is.
>> -Sean
> ------------------------------
> Message: 19
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 17:11:14 +0300
> From: Davanum Srinivas <davanum at gmail.com>
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [stable] Stable team PTL nominations are
> open
> Message-ID:
> <CANw6fcH61uLHrxXAM5_7uMd65jj1TbA4e90u9-rN7oQVTQe6nw at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Congrats, Matt!
> -- Dims
> On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 5:02 PM, Doug Hellmann <doug at doughellmann.com> wrote:
>> Excerpts from Thierry Carrez's message of 2015-12-09 09:57:24 +0100:
>>> Thierry Carrez wrote:
>>>> Thierry Carrez wrote:
>>>>> The nomination deadline is passed, we have two candidates!
>>>>> I'll be setting up the election shortly (with Jeremy's help to generate
>>>>> election rolls).
>>>> OK, the election just started. Recent contributors to a stable branch
>>>> (over the past year) should have received an email with a link to vote.
>>>> If you haven't and think you should have, please contact me privately.
>>>> The poll closes on Tuesday, December 8th at 23:59 UTC.
>>>> Happy voting!
>>> Election is over[1], let me congratulate Matt Riedemann for his election
>>> ! Thanks to everyone who participated to the vote.
>>> Now I'll submit the request for spinning off as a separate project team
>>> to the governance ASAP, and we should be up and running very soon.
>>> Cheers,
>>> [1] http://civs.cs.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/results.pl?id=E_2f5fd6c3837eae2a
>> Congratulations, Matt!
>> Doug
>> __________________________________________________________________________
>> OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
>> Unsubscribe: OpenStack-dev-request at lists.openstack.org?subject:unsubscribe
>> http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev
> --
> Davanum Srinivas :: https://twitter.com/dims
> ------------------------------
> Message: 20
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 09:11:20 -0500
> From: Anita Kuno <anteaya at anteaya.info>
> To: openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [stable] Stable team PTL nominations are
> open
> Message-ID: <56683688.2050507 at anteaya.info>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
> On 12/09/2015 09:02 AM, Doug Hellmann wrote:
>> Excerpts from Thierry Carrez's message of 2015-12-09 09:57:24 +0100:
>>> Thierry Carrez wrote:
>>>> Thierry Carrez wrote:
>>>>> The nomination deadline is passed, we have two candidates!
>>>>> I'll be setting up the election shortly (with Jeremy's help to generate
>>>>> election rolls).
>>>> OK, the election just started. Recent contributors to a stable branch
>>>> (over the past year) should have received an email with a link to vote.
>>>> If you haven't and think you should have, please contact me privately.
>>>> The poll closes on Tuesday, December 8th at 23:59 UTC.
>>>> Happy voting!
>>> Election is over[1], let me congratulate Matt Riedemann for his election
>>> ! Thanks to everyone who participated to the vote.
>>> Now I'll submit the request for spinning off as a separate project team
>>> to the governance ASAP, and we should be up and running very soon.
>>> Cheers,
>>> [1] http://civs.cs.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/results.pl?id=E_2f5fd6c3837eae2a
>> Congratulations, Matt!
>> Doug
>> __________________________________________________________________________
>> OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
>> Unsubscribe: OpenStack-dev-request at lists.openstack.org?subject:unsubscribe
>> http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev
> Thanks to both candidates for putting their name forward, it is nice to
> have an election.
> Congratulations Matt,
> Anita.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 21
> Date: Wed, 09 Dec 2015 09:25:24 -0500
> From: Doug Hellmann <doug at doughellmann.com>
> To: openstack-dev <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Evolving the stadium concept
> Message-ID: <1449670640-sup-1539 at lrrr.local>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Excerpts from Armando M.'s message of 2015-12-08 22:46:16 -0800:
>> On 3 December 2015 at 02:21, Thierry Carrez <thierry at openstack.org> wrote:
>>> Armando M. wrote:
>>>> On 2 December 2015 at 01:16, Thierry Carrez <thierry at openstack.org
>>>> <mailto:thierry at openstack.org>> wrote:
>>>>> Armando M. wrote:
>>>>> >> One solution is, like you mentioned, to make some (or all) of
>>> them
>>>>> >> full-fledged project teams. Be aware that this means the TC
>>> would judge
>>>>> >> those new project teams individually and might reject them if we
>>> feel
>>>>> >> the requirements are not met. We might want to clarify what
>>> happens
>>>>> >> then.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > That's a good point. Do we have existing examples of this or
>>> would we be
>>>>> > sailing in uncharted waters?
>>>>> It's been pretty common that we rejected/delayed applications for
>>>>> projects where we felt they needed more alignment. In such cases,
>>> the
>>>>> immediate result for those projects if they are out of the Neutron
>>>>> "stadium" is that they would fall from the list of official
>>> projects.
>>>>> Again, I'm fine with that outcome, but I want to set expectations
>>>>> clearly :)
>>>> Understood. It sounds to me that the outcome would be that those
>>>> projects (that may end up being rejected) would show nowhere on [1], but
>>>> would still be hosted and can rely on the support and services of the
>>>> OpenStack community, right?
>>>> [1] http://governance.openstack.org/reference/projects/
>>> Yes they would still be hosted on OpenStack development infrastructure.
>>> Contributions would no longer count toward ATC status, so people who
>>> only contribute to those projects would no longer be able to vote in the
>>> Technical Committee election. They would not have "official" design
>>> summit space either -- they can still camp in the hallway though :)
>> Hi folks,
>> For whom of you is interested in the conversation, the topic was brought
>> for discussion at the latest TC meeting [1]. Unfortunately I was unable to
>> join, however I would like to try and respond to some of the comments made
>> to clarify my position on the matter:
>>> ttx: the neutron PTL say he can't vouch for anything in the neutron
>> "stadium"
>> To be honest that's not entirely my position.
>> The problem stems from the fact that, if I am asked what the stadium means,
>> as a PTL I can't give a straight answer; ttx put it relatively well (and I
>> quote him): by adding all those projects under your own project team, you
>> bypass the Technical Committee approval that they behave like OpenStack
>> projects and are produced by the OpenStack community. The Neutron team
>> basically vouches for all of them to be on par. As far as the Technical
>> Committee goes, they are all being produced by the same team we originally
>> blessed (the Neutron project team).
>> The reality is: some of these projects are not produced by the same team,
>> they do not behave the same way, and they do not follow the same practices
>> and guidelines. For the stadium to make sense, in my humble opinion, a
> This is the thing that's key, for me. As Anita points out elsewhere in
> this thread, we want to structure our project teams so that decision
> making and responsibility are placed in the same set of hands. It sounds
> like the Stadium concept has made it easy to let those diverge.
>> definition of these practices should happen and enforcement should follow,
>> but who's got the time for policing and enforcing eviction, especially on a
>> large scale? So we either reduce the scale (which might not be feasible
>> because in OpenStack we're all about scaling and adding more and more and
>> more), or we address the problem more radically by evolving the
>> relationship from tight aggregation to loose association; this way who
>> needs to vouch for the Neutron relationship is not the Neutron PTL, but the
>> person sponsoring the project that wants to be associated to Neutron. On
>> the other end, the vouching may still be pursued, but for a much more
>> focused set of initiatives that are led by the same team.
>>> russellb: I attempted to start breaking down the different types of repos
>> that are part of the stadium (consumer, api, implementation of technology,
>> plugins/drivers).
>> The distinction between implementation of technology, plugins/drivers and
>> api is not justified IMO because from a neutron standpoint they all look
>> like the same: they leverage the pluggable extensions to the Neutron core
>> framework. As I attempted to say: we have existing plugins and drivers that
>> implement APIs, and we have plugins that implement technology, so the extra
>> classification seems overspecification.
>>> flaper87: I agree a driver should not be independent
>> Why, what's your rationale? If we dig deeper, some drivers are small code
>> drops with no or untraceable maintainers. Some are actively developed and
>> can be fairly complex. The spectrum is pretty wide. Either way, I think
>> that preventing them from being independent in principle may hurt the ones
>> that can be pretty elaborated, and the ones that are stale may hurt
>> Neutron's reputation because we're the ones who are supposed to look after
>> them (after all didn't we vouch for them??)
>>> From a technical perspective, if there is a stable API for driver
> plugins, having the driver managed outside of the core team shouldn't
> be a problem. If there's no stable API, the driver shouldn't even
> be outside of the core repository yet. I know the split has happened,
> I don't know how stable the plugin APIs are, though.
>>> From a governance perspective, I agree it is desirable to enable
> (but not require) drivers to live outside of core. But see the previous
> paragraph for caveats.
>>> dhellmann: we have previously said that projects run by different teams
>> talk to each other over rest interfaces as a way of clearly delineating
>> boundaries
>> As much as I agree wholeheartedly with this statement (which I made myself
>> during the GBP/Neutron saga), it's unrealistic to convert the interface
>> between Neutron and its extension mechanisms to be purely restful,
>> especially for the price that will have to be paid in the process.
> Right, I think what we're saying is that you should stop treating
> these things as extensions. There are true technical issues introduced
> by the need to have strong API guarantees to support out-of-tree
> extensions. As Sean mentioned in his response, the TC and community
> want projects to have stable, fixed, APIs that do not change based
> on deployment choices, so it is easy for users to understand the
> API and so we can enable interoperability between deployments.
> DefCore depends on these fixed APIs because of the way tests from
> the Tempest suite are used in the validation process. Continuing
> to support extensions in Neutron is going to make broad adoption
> of Neutron APIs for DefCore harder.
>>> sdague: I don't think anything should be extending the neutron API that
>> isn't controlled by the neutron core team.
>> The core should be about the core, why would what's built on top be
>> controlled by the core? By comparison, it's like saying a SIG on the
>> physical layer of the OSI stack dictates what a SIG on the session layer
>> should do. It stifles innovation and prevents problems from being solved by
>> the right domain experts.
> It needs to be possible to build on top of neutron without injecting
> yourself into the guts of neutron at runtime. See above.
> Doug
>> That's all I managed to process whilst reading the log. I am sure I missed
>> some important comments and I apologize for not replying to them; one thing
>> I didn't miss for sure was all the hugging :)
>> Thanks for acknowledging the discussion and the time and consideration
>> given during the TC meeting.
>> Cheers,
>> Armando
>> [1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2015/tc.2015-12-08-20.01.html
>>> --
>>> Thierry Carrez (ttx)
>>> __________________________________________________________________________
>>> OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
>>> Unsubscribe: OpenStack-dev-request at lists.openstack.org?subject:unsubscribe
>>> http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev
> ------------------------------
> Message: 22
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 07:41:17 -0700
> From: Curtis <serverascode at gmail.com>
> To: Jesse Pretorius <jesse.pretorius at gmail.com>
> Cc: openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [openstack-ansible]
> Mid Cycle Sprint
> Message-ID:
> <CAJ_JamAoAf58dajm3awyfaSFib=r7rHGa44My+1KDX3g5-iCZg at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 5:45 AM, Jesse Pretorius
> <jesse.pretorius at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> At the Mitaka design summit in Tokyo we had some corridor discussions about
>> doing a mid-cycle meetup for the purpose of continuing some design
>> discussions and doing some specific sprint work.
>> ***
>> I'd like indications of who would like to attend and what
>> locations/dates/topics/sprints would be of interest to you.
>> ***
> I'd like to get more involved in openstack-ansible. I'll be going to
> the operators mid-cycle in Feb, so could stay later and attend in West
> London. However, I could likely make it to San Antonio as well. Not
> sure if that helps but I will definitely try to attend where ever it
> occurs.
> Thanks.
>> For guidance/background I've put some notes together below:
>> Location
>> --------
>> We have contributors, deployers and downstream consumers across the globe so
>> picking a venue is difficult. Rackspace have facilities in the UK (Hayes,
>> West London) and in the US (San Antonio) and are happy for us to make use of
>> them.
>> Dates
>> -----
>> Most of the mid-cycles for upstream OpenStack projects are being held in
>> January. The Operators mid-cycle is on February 15-16.
>> As I feel that it's important that we're all as involved as possible in
>> these events, I would suggest that we schedule ours after the Operators
>> mid-cycle.
>> It strikes me that it may be useful to do our mid-cycle immediately after
>> the Ops mid-cycle, and do it in the UK. This may help to optimise travel for
>> many of us.
>> Format
>> ------
>> The format of the summit is really for us to choose, but typically they're
>> formatted along the lines of something like this:
>> Day 1: Big group discussions similar in format to sessions at the design
>> summit.
>> Day 2: Collaborative code reviews, usually performed on a projector, where
>> the goal is to merge things that day (if a review needs more than a single
>> iteration, we skip it. If a review needs small revisions, we do them on the
>> spot).
>> Day 3: Small group / pair programming.
>> Topics
>> ------
>> Some topics/sprints that come to mind that we could explore/do are:
>> - Install Guide Documentation Improvement [1]
>> - Development Documentation Improvement (best practises, testing, how to
>> develop a new role, etc)
>> - Upgrade Framework [2]
>> - Multi-OS Support [3]
>> [1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/oa-install-docs
>> [2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-ansible-upgrade-framework
>> [3] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openstack-ansible-multi-os-support
>> --
>> Jesse Pretorius
>> IRC: odyssey4me
>> _______________________________________________
>> OpenStack-operators mailing list
>> OpenStack-operators at lists.openstack.org
>> http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-operators
> --
> Blog: serverascode.com
> ------------------------------
> Message: 23
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 08:44:19 -0600
> From: Matt Riedemann <mriedem at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
> To: openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] stable/liberty 13.1.0 release
> planning
> Message-ID: <56683E43.7080505 at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
> On 12/9/2015 3:46 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
>> Matt Riedemann wrote:
>>> We've had a few high priority regression fixes in stable/liberty [1][2]
>>> so I think it's time to do a release.
>>> [...]
>> You probably mean 12.0.1 ?
> Err 12.1.0, yeah. Since we've had dependency updates in stable/liberty I
> thought that made it a minor version bump to 12.1.0.
> --
> Thanks,
> Matt Riedemann
> ------------------------------
> Message: 24
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 15:48:49 +0100
> From: Sebastien Badia <sbadia at redhat.com>
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [puppet] proposing Cody Herriges part of
> Puppet OpenStack core
> Message-ID: <20151209144848.GC11592 at baloo.sebian.fr>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> On Tue, Dec 08, 2015 at 11:49:08AM (-0500), Emilien Macchi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Back in "old days", Cody was already core on the modules, when they were
>> hosted by Puppetlabs namespace.
>> His contributions [1] are very valuable to the group:
>> * strong knowledge on Puppet and all dependencies in general.
>> * very helpful to debug issues related to Puppet core or dependencies
>> (beaker, etc).
>> * regular attendance to our weekly meeting
>> * pertinent reviews
>> * very understanding of our coding style
>> I would like to propose having him back part of our core team.
>> As usual, we need to vote.
> Of course, a big +1!
> Thanks Cody!
> Seb
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 25
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 15:57:52 +0100
> From: Roman Prykhodchenko <me at romcheg.me>
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: [openstack-dev] [Fuel] Private links
> Message-ID: <BLU436-SMTP1319845D60F55EF3F4CAF4ADE80 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Folks,
> on the last two days I have marked several bugs as incomplete because they were referring to one or more private resources that are not accessible by anyone who does not have a @mirantis.com <http://mirantis.com/> account.
> Please keep in mind that Fuel is an open source project and the bug tracker we use is absolutely public. There should not be any private links in public bugs on Launchpad. Please don?t attach links to files on corporate Google Drive or tickets to Jira. The same rule should be applied for code reviews.
> That said, I?d like to confirm that we can submit world-accessible links to BVT results. If not ? that should be fixed ASAP.
> - romcheg
> -------------- next part --------------
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 26
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 10:02:34 -0500
> From: michael mccune <msm at redhat.com>
> To: openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [all] making project_id optional in API
> URLs
> Message-ID: <5668428A.3090400 at redhat.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
> On 12/08/2015 05:59 PM, Adam Young wrote:
>> I think it is kindof irrelevant. It can be there or not be there in the
>> URL itself, so long as it does not show up in the service catalog. From
>> an policy standpoint, having the project in the URL means that you can
>> do an access control check without fetching the object from the
>> database; you should, however, confirm that the object return belongs to
>> the project at a later point.
> from the policy standpoint does it matter if the project id appears in
> the url or in the headers?
> mike
> ------------------------------
> Message: 27
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 16:13:17 +0100
> From: Jaume Devesa <devvesa at gmail.com>
> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [midonet] Split up python-midonetclient
> Message-ID:
> <CABvUA7kGm=xc+0Bh_p7ZAg6=A_T=FXDZiQ4PGNoGj2W7S6aQfQ at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi Galo,
> I think the goal of this split is well explained by Sandro in the first
> mails of the chain:
> 1. Downstream packaging
> 2. Tagging the delivery properly as a library
> 3. Adding as a project on pypi
> ?OpenStack provide us a tarballs web page[1] for each branch of each
> project of the infrastructure.
> Then, projects like Delorean can allow us to download theses tarball master
> branches, create the
> packages and host them in a target repository for each one of the rpm-like
> distributions[2]. I am pretty sure
> that there is something similar for Ubuntu.
> Everything is done in a very straightforward and standarized way, because
> every repo has its own
> deliverable. You can look how they are packaged and you won't see too many
> differences between
> them. Packaging a python-midonetclient it will be trivial if it is
> separated in a single repo. It will be
> complicated and we'll have to do tricky things if it is a directory inside
> the midonet repo. And I am not
> sure if Ubuntu and RDO community will allow us to have weird packaging
> metadata repos.
> So to me the main reason is
> 4. Leverage all the infrastructure and procedures that OpenStack offers to
> integrate MidoNet
> as best as possible with the release process and delivery.
> Regards,
> [1]: ?http://tarballs.openstack.org/
> [2]: http://trunk.rdoproject.org
> On 9 December 2015 at 15:52, Antoni Segura Puimedon <toni at midokura.com>
> wrote:
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Galo Navarro <galo at midokura.com>
>> Date: Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 2:48 PM
>> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [midonet] Split up python-midonetclient
>> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <
>> openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
>> Cc: Jaume Devesa <jaume at midokura.com>
>>>> Ditto. We already have a mirror repo of pyc for this purpose
>>>> https://github.com/midonet/python-midonetclient, synced daily.
>>> Some of the problems with that is that it does not have any git log
>> history
>>> nor does it feel like a coding project at all.
>> Of course, because the goal of this repo is not to provide a
>> changelog. It's to provide an independent repo. If you want git log,
>> you should do a git log python-midonetclient in the source repo
>> (/midonet/midonet).
>>> Allow me to put forward a solution that will allow you keep the
>> development
>>> in the midonet tree while, at the same time, having a proper repository
>>> with identifiable patches in github.com/midonet/python-midonetclient
>> Thanks, but I insist: can we please clarify *what* are we trying to
>> achieve, before we jump into solutions?
>> g
>> __________________________________________________________________________
>> OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
>> Unsubscribe: OpenStack-dev-request at lists.openstack.org?subject:unsubscribe
>> http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev
> --
> Jaume Devesa
> Software Engineer at Midokura
> -------------- next part --------------
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 28
> Date: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 00:28:02 +0900
> From: "Ken'ichi Ohmichi" <ken1ohmichi at gmail.com>
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] jsonschema for scheduler hints
> Message-ID:
> <CAA393vhL4+qbYikp0L7wyGSbcZ2r7CSBANM_Fd1UXT0rU_HtZA at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> 2015-12-09 21:20 GMT+09:00 Sean Dague <sean at dague.net>:
>> On 12/08/2015 11:47 PM, Ken'ichi Ohmichi wrote:
>>> Hi Sylvain,
>>> 2015-12-04 17:48 GMT+09:00 Sylvain Bauza <sbauza at redhat.com>:
>>>>> That leaves the out-of-tree discussion about custom filters and how we
>>>>> could have a consistent behaviour given that. Should we accept something in
>>>>> a specific deployment while another deployment could 401 against it ? Mmm,
>>>>> bad to me IMHO.
>>>> We can have code to check the out-of-tree filters didn't expose any same
>>>> hints with in-tree filter.
>>>> Sure, and thank you for that, that was missing in the past. That said, there
>>>> are still some interoperability concerns, let me explain : as a cloud
>>>> operator, I'm now providing a custom filter (say MyAwesomeFilter) which does
>>>> the lookup for an hint called 'my_awesome_hint'.
>>>> If we enforce a strict validation (and not allow to accept any hint) it
>>>> would mean that this cloud would accept a request with 'my_awesome_hint'
>>>> while another cloud which wouldn't be running MyAwesomeFilter would then
>>>> deny the same request.
>>> I am thinking the operator/vendor own filter should have some
>>> implementation code for registering its original hint to jsonschema to
>>> expose/validate available hints in the future.
>>> The way should be easy as possible so that they can implement the code easily.
>>> After that, we will be able to make the validation strict again.
>> Yeh, that was my thinking. As someone that did a lot of the jsonschema
>> work, is that something you could prototype?
> Yes.
> On a prototype https://review.openstack.org/#/c/220440/ , each filter
> needs to contain get_scheduler_hint_api_schema() which returns
> available scheduler_hints parameter. Then stevedore detects these
> parameters from each filter and extends jsonschema with them.
> On current prototype, the detection and extension are implemented in nova-api.
> but we need to change the prototype like:
> 1. nova-sched detects available scheduler-hints from filters.
> 2. nova-sched passes these scheduler-hints to nova-api via RPC.
> 3. nova-api extends jsonschema with the gotten scheduler-hints.
> After implementing the mechanism, the operator/vendor own filters just
> need to implement get_scheduler_hint_api_schema(). That is not so
> hard, I feel.
> Thanks
> Ken Ohmichi
> ------------------------------
> Message: 29
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 09:45:24 -0600
> From: Matt Riedemann <mriedem at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
> To: openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] stable/liberty 12.0.1 release
> planning
> Message-ID: <56684C94.8020603 at linux.vnet.ibm.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
> On 12/9/2015 8:44 AM, Matt Riedemann wrote:
>> On 12/9/2015 3:46 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
>>> Matt Riedemann wrote:
>>>> We've had a few high priority regression fixes in stable/liberty [1][2]
>>>> so I think it's time to do a release.
>>>> [...]
>>> You probably mean 12.0.1 ?
>> Err 12.1.0, yeah. Since we've had dependency updates in stable/liberty I
>> thought that made it a minor version bump to 12.1.0.
> Talked about this in the release channel this morning [1]. Summary is as
> long as we aren't raising the minimum required version of a dependency
> in stable/liberty, then the nova server release should be 12.0.1. We'd
> only bump to 12.1.0 if we needed a newer minimum dependency, and I don't
> think we have one of those (but will double check).
> [1]
> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-release/%23openstack-release.2015-12-09.log.html#t2015-12-09T15:07:12
> --
> Thanks,
> Matt Riedemann
> ------------------------------
> Message: 30
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 16:48:06 +0100
> From: Galo Navarro <galo at midokura.com>
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [midonet] Split up python-midonetclient
> Message-ID:
> <CACSK4Abq4kKQNtesbEqvJk3XwxKq2qMuXOLqGMxqNU5qgErz7w at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi,
>> I think the goal of this split is well explained by Sandro in the first
>> mails of the chain:
>> 1. Downstream packaging
>> 2. Tagging the delivery properly as a library
>> 3. Adding as a project on pypi
> Not really, because (1) and (2) are *a consequence* of the repo split. Not
> a cause. Please correct me if I'm reading wrong but he's saying:
> - I want tarballs
> - To produce tarballs, I want a separate repo, and separate repos have (1),
> (2) as requirements.
> So this is where I'm going: producing a tarball of pyc does *not* require a
> separate repo. If we don't need a new repo, we don't need to do all the
> things that a separate repo requires.
> Now:
>> OpenStack provide us a tarballs web page[1] for each branch of each
> project
>> of the infrastructure.
>> Then, projects like Delorean can allow us to download theses tarball
> master
>> branches, create the
>> packages and host them in a target repository for each one of the rpm-like
>> distributions[2]. I am pretty sure
>> that there is something similar for Ubuntu.
> This looks more accurate: you're actually not asking for a tarball. You're
> asking for being compatible with a system that produces tarballs off a
> repo. This is very different :)
> So questions: we have a standalone mirror of the repo, that could be used
> for this purpose. Say we move the mirror to OSt infra, would things work?
>> Everything is done in a very straightforward and standarized way, because
>> every repo has its own
>> deliverable. You can look how they are packaged and you won't see too many
>> differences between
>> them. Packaging a python-midonetclient it will be trivial if it is
> separated
>> in a single repo. It will be
> But create a lot of other problems in development. With a very important
> difference: the pain created by the mirror solution is solved cheaply with
> software (e.g.: as you know, with a script). OTOH, the pain created by
> splitting the repo is paid in very costly human resources.
>> complicated and we'll have to do tricky things if it is a directory inside
>> the midonet repo. And I am not
>> sure if Ubuntu and RDO community will allow us to have weird packaging
>> metadata repos.
> I do get this point and it's a major concern, IMO we should split to a
> different conversation as it's not related to where PYC lives, but to a
> more general question: do we really need a repo per package?
> Like Guillermo and myself said before, the midonet repo generate 4
> packages, and this will grow. If having a package per repo is really a
> strong requirement, there is *a lot* of work ahead, so we need to start
> talking about this now. But like I said, it's orthogonal to the PYC points
> above.
> g
> -------------- next part --------------
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 31
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 16:03:02 +0000
> From: "Fabio Giannetti (fgiannet)" <fgiannet at cisco.com>
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: [openstack-dev] [Monasca]: Mid Cycle Doodle
> Message-ID: <D28D901E.D094%fgiannet at cisco.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Guys,
> Please find here the doodle for the mid-cycle:
> http://doodle.com/poll/yy4unhffy7hi3x67
> If we run the meeting Thu/Fri 28/29 we can have the 28 a joint session
> with Congress.
> First week of Feb is all open and I guess we need to decide if to do 2 or
> 3 days.
> Thanks,
> Fabio
> ------------------------------
> Message: 32
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 09:27:37 -0700
> From: John Griffith <john.griffith8 at gmail.com>
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [cinder] Dependencies of snapshots on
> volumes
> Message-ID:
> <CAPWkaSUbzzr2FpjsqmkCD+NCvmPTVMKR-Q2fZRUaYcc=OfOiJw at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 9:10 PM, Li, Xiaoyan <xiaoyan.li at intel.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Currently when deleting a volume, it checks whether there are snapshots
>> created from it. If yes deletion is prohibited. But it allows to extend
>> the volume, no check whether there are snapshots from it.
> ?Correct?
>> The two behaviors in Cinder are not consistent from my viewpoint.
> ?Well, your snapshot was taken at a point in time; and if you do a create
> from snapshot the whole point is you want what you HAD when the snapshot
> command was issued and NOT what happened afterwards. So in my opinion this
> is not inconsistent at all.
> ?
>> In backend storage, their behaviors are same.
> ?Which backend storage are you referring to in this case?
> ?
>> For full snapshot, if still in copying progress, both extend and deletion
>> are not allowed. If snapshot copying finishes, both extend and deletion are
>> allowed.
>> For incremental snapshot, both extend and deletion are not allowed.
> ?So your particular backend has "different/specific" rules/requirements
> around snapshots. That's pretty common, I don't suppose theres any way to
> hack around this internally? In other words do things on your backend like
> clones as snaps etc to make up for the differences in behavior??
>> As a result, this raises two concerns here:
>> 1. Let such operations behavior same in Cinder.
>> 2. I prefer to let storage driver decide the dependencies, not in the
>> general core codes.
> ?I have and always will strongly disagree with this approach and your
> proposal. Sadly we've already started to allow more and more vendor
> drivers just "do their own thing" and implement their own special API
> methods. This is in my opinion a horrible path and defeats the entire
> purpose of have a Cinder abstraction layer.
> This will make it impossible to have compatibility between clouds for those
> that care about it, it will make it impossible for operators/deployers to
> understand exactly what they can and should expect in terms of the usage of
> their cloud. Finally, it will also mean that not OpenStack API
> functionality is COMPLETELY dependent on backend device. I know people are
> sick of hearing me say this, so I'll keep it short and say it one more time:
> "Compatibility in the API matters and should always be our priority"
>> Meanwhile, if we let driver to decide the dependencies, the following
>> changes need to do in Cinder:
>> 1. When creating a snapshot from volume, it needs copy all metadata of
>> volume to snapshot. Currently it doesn't.
>> Any other potential issues please let me know.
>> Any input will be appreciated.
>> Best wishes
>> Lisa
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> Message: 33
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 11:03:30 -0600
> From: Chris Friesen <chris.friesen at windriver.com>
> To: <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [cinder] Dependencies of snapshots on
> volumes
> Message-ID: <56685EE2.8020303 at windriver.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed
> On 12/09/2015 10:27 AM, John Griffith wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 9:10 PM, Li, Xiaoyan <xiaoyan.li at intel.com
>> <mailto:xiaoyan.li at intel.com>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Currently when deleting a volume, it checks whether there are snapshots
>> created from it. If yes deletion is prohibited. But it allows to extend
>> the volume, no check whether there are snapshots from it.
>> ?Correct?
>> The two behaviors in Cinder are not consistent from my viewpoint.
>> ?Well, your snapshot was taken at a point in time; and if you do a create from
>> snapshot the whole point is you want what you HAD when the snapshot command was
>> issued and NOT what happened afterwards. So in my opinion this is not
>> inconsistent at all.
> If we look at it a different way...suppose that the snapshot is linked in a
> copy-on-write manner with the original volume. If someone deletes the original
> volume then the snapshot is in trouble. However, if someone modifies the
> original volume then a new chunk of backing store is allocated for the original
> volume and the snapshot still references the original contents.
> If we did allow deletion of the volume we'd have to either keep the volume
> backing store around as long as any snapshots are around, or else flatten any
> snapshots so they're no longer copy-on-write.
> Chris
> ------------------------------
> Message: 34
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 17:06:12 +0000
> From: "Kris G. Lindgren" <klindgren at godaddy.com>
> To: Oguz Yarimtepe <oguzyarimtepe at gmail.com>,
> "openstack-operators at lists.openstack.org"
> <openstack-operators at lists.openstack.org>, "OpenStack Development
> Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [keystone] RBAC
> usage at production
> Message-ID: <7CAD9EFB-B4B7-48CA-8771-EEE821FB27EB at godaddy.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> In other projects the policy.json file is read each time of api request. So changes to the file take place immediately. I was 90% sure keystone was the same way?
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Kris Lindgren
> Senior Linux Systems Engineer
> GoDaddy
> On 12/9/15, 1:39 AM, "Oguz Yarimtepe" <oguzyarimtepe at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am wondering whether there are people using RBAC at production. The
>> policy.json file has a structure that requires restart of the service
>> each time you edit the file. Is there and on the fly solution or tips
>> about it?
>> _______________________________________________
>> OpenStack-operators mailing list
>> OpenStack-operators at lists.openstack.org
>> http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-operators
> ------------------------------
> Message: 35
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 18:10:45 +0100
> From: Jordan Pittier <jordan.pittier at scality.com>
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [cinder] Dependencies of snapshots on
> volumes
> Message-ID:
> <CAAKgrc=qEQjYn9bu4YRd4VraGwUFGQEcEU9siX8UubpbV_wBSg at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi,
> FWIW, I completely agree with what John said. All of it.
> Please don't do that.
> Jordan
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> Message: 36
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 20:17:30 +0300
> From: Dmitry Klenov <dklenov at mirantis.com>
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: [openstack-dev] [Fuel] [Ubuntu bootstrap] Ubuntu bootstrap
> becomes default in the Fuel
> Message-ID:
> <CAExpkLxMQnpCYVv4tzBW9yyuYjeH8+P7v_V0pU1_h_Nvfwamog at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hello folks,
> I would like to announce that we have completed all items for 'Ubuntu
> bootstrap' feature. Thanks to the team for hard work and dedication!
> Starting from today Ubuntu bootstrap is enabled in the Fuel by default.
> Also it is worth mentioning that Ubuntu bootstrap is integrated with
> 'Biosdevnames' feature implemented by MOS-Linux team, so new bootstrap will
> also benefit from persistent interface naming.
> Thanks,
> Dmitry.
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 37
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 17:18:29 +0000
> From: Edgar Magana <edgar.magana at workday.com>
> To: "Kris G. Lindgren" <klindgren at godaddy.com>, Oguz Yarimtepe
> <oguzyarimtepe at gmail.com>, "openstack-operators at lists.openstack.org"
> <openstack-operators at lists.openstack.org>, "OpenStack Development
> Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Openstack-operators] [keystone] RBAC
> usage at production
> Message-ID: <BFCD8D28-53F9-48BC-8F55-A37E9EFD5269 at workdayinternal.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> We use RBAC in production but basically modify networking operations and some compute ones. In our case we don?t need to restart the services if we modify the policy.json file. I am surprise that keystone is not following the same process.
> Edgar
> On 12/9/15, 9:06 AM, "Kris G. Lindgren" <klindgren at godaddy.com> wrote:
>> In other projects the policy.json file is read each time of api request. So changes to the file take place immediately. I was 90% sure keystone was the same way?
>> ___________________________________________________________________
>> Kris Lindgren
>> Senior Linux Systems Engineer
>> GoDaddy
>> On 12/9/15, 1:39 AM, "Oguz Yarimtepe" <oguzyarimtepe at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am wondering whether there are people using RBAC at production. The
>>> policy.json file has a structure that requires restart of the service
>>> each time you edit the file. Is there and on the fly solution or tips
>>> about it?
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>>> OpenStack-operators mailing list
>>> OpenStack-operators at lists.openstack.org
>>> http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-operators
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>> OpenStack-operators mailing list
>> OpenStack-operators at lists.openstack.org
>> http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-operators
> ------------------------------
> Message: 38
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 10:31:47 -0700
> From: Doug Wiegley <dougwig at parksidesoftware.com>
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
> <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Evolving the stadium concept
> Message-ID:
> <A46D4F8A-1334-4037-91C0-D557FB4A8178 at parksidesoftware.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>> On Dec 9, 2015, at 7:25 AM, Doug Hellmann <doug at doughellmann.com> wrote:
>> Excerpts from Armando M.'s message of 2015-12-08 22:46:16 -0800:
>>> On 3 December 2015 at 02:21, Thierry Carrez <thierry at openstack.org> wrote:
>>>> Armando M. wrote:
>>>>> On 2 December 2015 at 01:16, Thierry Carrez <thierry at openstack.org
>>>>> <mailto:thierry at openstack.org>> wrote:
>>>>>> Armando M. wrote:
>>>>>>>> One solution is, like you mentioned, to make some (or all) of
>>>> them
>>>>>>>> full-fledged project teams. Be aware that this means the TC
>>>> would judge
>>>>>>>> those new project teams individually and might reject them if we
>>>> feel
>>>>>>>> the requirements are not met. We might want to clarify what
>>>> happens
>>>>>>>> then.
>>>>>>> That's a good point. Do we have existing examples of this or
>>>> would we be
>>>>>>> sailing in uncharted waters?
>>>>>> It's been pretty common that we rejected/delayed applications for
>>>>>> projects where we felt they needed more alignment. In such cases,
>>>> the
>>>>>> immediate result for those projects if they are out of the Neutron
>>>>>> "stadium" is that they would fall from the list of official
>>>> projects.
>>>>>> Again, I'm fine with that outcome, but I want to set expectations
>>>>>> clearly :)
>>>>> Understood. It sounds to me that the outcome would be that those
>>>>> projects (that may end up being rejected) would show nowhere on [1], but
>>>>> would still be hosted and can rely on the support and services of the
>>>>> OpenStack community, right?
>>>>> [1] http://governance.openstack.org/reference/projects/
>>>> Yes they would still be hosted on OpenStack development infrastructure.
>>>> Contributions would no longer count toward ATC status, so people who
>>>> only contribute to those projects would no longer be able to vote in the
>>>> Technical Committee election. They would not have "official" design
>>>> summit space either -- they can still camp in the hallway though :)
>>> Hi folks,
>>> For whom of you is interested in the conversation, the topic was brought
>>> for discussion at the latest TC meeting [1]. Unfortunately I was unable to
>>> join, however I would like to try and respond to some of the comments made
>>> to clarify my position on the matter:
>>>> ttx: the neutron PTL say he can't vouch for anything in the neutron
>>> "stadium"
>>> To be honest that's not entirely my position.
>>> The problem stems from the fact that, if I am asked what the stadium means,
>>> as a PTL I can't give a straight answer; ttx put it relatively well (and I
>>> quote him): by adding all those projects under your own project team, you
>>> bypass the Technical Committee approval that they behave like OpenStack
>>> projects and are produced by the OpenStack community. The Neutron team
>>> basically vouches for all of them to be on par. As far as the Technical
>>> Committee goes, they are all being produced by the same team we originally
>>> blessed (the Neutron project team).
>>> The reality is: some of these projects are not produced by the same team,
>>> they do not behave the same way, and they do not follow the same practices
>>> and guidelines. For the stadium to make sense, in my humble opinion, a
>> This is the thing that's key, for me. As Anita points out elsewhere in
>> this thread, we want to structure our project teams so that decision
>> making and responsibility are placed in the same set of hands. It sounds
>> like the Stadium concept has made it easy to let those diverge.
>>> definition of these practices should happen and enforcement should follow,
>>> but who's got the time for policing and enforcing eviction, especially on a
>>> large scale? So we either reduce the scale (which might not be feasible
>>> because in OpenStack we're all about scaling and adding more and more and
>>> more), or we address the problem more radically by evolving the
>>> relationship from tight aggregation to loose association; this way who
>>> needs to vouch for the Neutron relationship is not the Neutron PTL, but the
>>> person sponsoring the project that wants to be associated to Neutron. On
>>> the other end, the vouching may still be pursued, but for a much more
>>> focused set of initiatives that are led by the same team.
>>>> russellb: I attempted to start breaking down the different types of repos
>>> that are part of the stadium (consumer, api, implementation of technology,
>>> plugins/drivers).
>>> The distinction between implementation of technology, plugins/drivers and
>>> api is not justified IMO because from a neutron standpoint they all look
>>> like the same: they leverage the pluggable extensions to the Neutron core
>>> framework. As I attempted to say: we have existing plugins and drivers that
>>> implement APIs, and we have plugins that implement technology, so the extra
>>> classification seems overspecification.
>>>> flaper87: I agree a driver should not be independent
>>> Why, what's your rationale? If we dig deeper, some drivers are small code
>>> drops with no or untraceable maintainers. Some are actively developed and
>>> can be fairly complex. The spectrum is pretty wide. Either way, I think
>>> that preventing them from being independent in principle may hurt the ones
>>> that can be pretty elaborated, and the ones that are stale may hurt
>>> Neutron's reputation because we're the ones who are supposed to look after
>>> them (after all didn't we vouch for them??)
>> From a technical perspective, if there is a stable API for driver
>> plugins, having the driver managed outside of the core team shouldn't
>> be a problem. If there's no stable API, the driver shouldn't even
>> be outside of the core repository yet. I know the split has happened,
>> I don't know how stable the plugin APIs are, though.
> Agreed, and making that stable interface is a key initiative in mitaka.
>> From a governance perspective, I agree it is desirable to enable
>> (but not require) drivers to live outside of core. But see the previous
>> paragraph for caveats.
>>>> dhellmann: we have previously said that projects run by different teams
>>> talk to each other over rest interfaces as a way of clearly delineating
>>> boundaries
>>> As much as I agree wholeheartedly with this statement (which I made myself
>>> during the GBP/Neutron saga), it's unrealistic to convert the interface
>>> between Neutron and its extension mechanisms to be purely restful,
>>> especially for the price that will have to be paid in the process.
>> Right, I think what we're saying is that you should stop treating
>> these things as extensions. There are true technical issues introduced
>> by the need to have strong API guarantees to support out-of-tree
>> extensions. As Sean mentioned in his response, the TC and community
>> want projects to have stable, fixed, APIs that do not change based
>> on deployment choices, so it is easy for users to understand the
>> API and so we can enable interoperability between deployments.
>> DefCore depends on these fixed APIs because of the way tests from
>> the Tempest suite are used in the validation process. Continuing
>> to support extensions in Neutron is going to make broad adoption
>> of Neutron APIs for DefCore harder.
>>>> sdague: I don't think anything should be extending the neutron API that
>>> isn't controlled by the neutron core team.
>>> The core should be about the core, why would what's built on top be
>>> controlled by the core? By comparison, it's like saying a SIG on the
>>> physical layer of the OSI stack dictates what a SIG on the session layer
>>> should do. It stifles innovation and prevents problems from being solved by
>>> the right domain experts.
>> It needs to be possible to build on top of neutron without injecting
>> yourself into the guts of neutron at runtime. See above.
> In point of fact, it *is* possible, and there is an API to do so, but? most choose not to. I won?t say that?s an argument to keep extensions, but it might be worth examing *why* people are choosing that route, because I think it points to a big innovation/velocity killer in ?the openstack way?.
> One possible interpretation: we have all these rules that basically amount to: 1) don?t be so small you can?t be a wsgi/db app, which is expensive in the current wild west mode of building them, 2) don?t be so large that we feel you?ve diverged too much from what we want things to look like, and 3) be exactly like a rest service with some driver backends implementing some sort of *aaS.
> That leaves a pretty narrow, and relatively expensive, runway.
> We don?t want extensions for reasons of interop, fine. I think it?s a fairly silly argument to say that rest api?s can be optional, but extensions to an api can?t, because that extra ?/foobar/? is the killer, but whatever. However, maybe we should devote some thinking as to why neutron extensions are being used, and how we could leverage the dev work that doesn?t feel jumping through the above hoops is appropriate/worth it/etc.
> Thanks,
> doug
>> Doug
>>> That's all I managed to process whilst reading the log. I am sure I missed
>>> some important comments and I apologize for not replying to them; one thing
>>> I didn't miss for sure was all the hugging :)
>>> Thanks for acknowledging the discussion and the time and consideration
>>> given during the TC meeting.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Armando
>>> [1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2015/tc.2015-12-08-20.01.html
>>>> --
>>>> Thierry Carrez (ttx)
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 39
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2015 17:32:06 +0000
> From: <Arkady_Kanevsky at DELL.com>
> To: <openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [cinder] Dependencies of snapshots on
> volumes
> Message-ID:
> <0c2713f7979240288bbb5f912c239ddd at AUSX13MPS308.AMER.DELL.COM>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> You can do lazy copy that happens only when volume or snapshot is deleted.
> You will need to have refcount on metadata.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Li, Xiaoyan [mailto:xiaoyan.li at intel.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2015 10:11 PM
> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> Subject: [openstack-dev] [cinder] Dependencies of snapshots on volumes
> Hi all,
> Currently when deleting a volume, it checks whether there are snapshots created from it. If yes deletion is prohibited. But it allows to extend the volume, no check whether there are snapshots from it.
> The two behaviors in Cinder are not consistent from my viewpoint.
> In backend storage, their behaviors are same.
> For full snapshot, if still in copying progress, both extend and deletion are not allowed. If snapshot copying finishes, both extend and deletion are allowed.
> For incremental snapshot, both extend and deletion are not allowed.
> As a result, this raises two concerns here:
> 1. Let such operations behavior same in Cinder.
> 2. I prefer to let storage driver decide the dependencies, not in the general core codes.
> Meanwhile, if we let driver to decide the dependencies, the following changes need to do in Cinder:
> 1. When creating a snapshot from volume, it needs copy all metadata of volume to snapshot. Currently it doesn't.
> Any other potential issues please let me know.
> Any input will be appreciated.
> Best wishes
> Lisa
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