[openstack-dev] [kolla] Changing meeting times to 16:30 UTC starting this week (still Wednesday)

Steven Dake (stdake) stdake at cisco.com
Mon Aug 24 14:24:14 UTC 2015

Hi folks,

Our 22:00 UTC meeting is very poorly attended resulting in the need to cancel the 22:00 meeting several times over the last month.  Also our core reviewer team has communicated a desire to have the 16:00 UTC meeting 30 minutes later to better fit in with EMEA workdays.  Given that, I’d like to just move the meetings to 16:30 going forward starting with the meeting this Wednesday August 26th.  We need to have weekly meetings – our development is very busy and our 16:00 UTC meeting is always jammed full of agenda items because we are effectively only having meetings two times a month.

If we end up with APAC contributors down the road, we may adjust the meeting times in the future.  I need to locate a channel for our meeting and will communicate this via the Wiki and #kolla’s channel topic.

If there are any core reviewers that have a conflict with this adjustment please let me know via this thread.

All the folks that typically attend our meeting seem to think this is a highly positive change.


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