[openstack-dev] [stable] [infra] How to auto-generate stable release notes

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Aug 18 23:04:37 UTC 2015

On 18 August 2015 at 01:46, Thierry Carrez <thierry at openstack.org> wrote:

Following on from the IRC discussion about release notes.

< ttx> * we want consumers of the stable branch (from random commit
and from tagged versions) to get a valid release notes document
< ttx> * Some things in that document (like OSSA numbers) we only know
after the commit is pushed so we need a way to retroactively fix those

So 'random commit' here is a point in time - I think its reasonable to
assert that if a commit isn't tagged, its release notes are not final.

So before I dive into detail, here's the basic design I think we can use.

1) release notes are derived from the tree/git history. We might
eventually use both, for instance.
2) commits are needed to change release notes.
3) Notes are mutable in that a clone today vs a clone tomorrow might
have different release notes about the same change.
4) Notes are immutable in that for a given git hash/tag the release
notes will be the same. Tagging a commit will change the version
description but that is all.

Design assumptions:
- We want to avoid merge hell when sheparding in a lot of
release-note-worthy changes, which we expect to happen on stable
branches always, and at release times on master branches.
- We want writing a release note to be straight forward
- We do not want release notes to be custom ordered within a release.
As long as the ordering is consistent it is ok.
- We must be able to entirely remove a release note.
- We must not make things progressively slow down to a crawl over
years of usage.

Proposed data structure:
- create a top level directory in each repo called release-notes
- within that create a subdirectory called changes.
- within the release-notes dir we place yaml files containing the
release note inputs.
- within the 'changes' subdirectory, the name of the yaml file will be
the gerrit change id in a canonical form.
   E.g. I1234abcd.yaml
   This serves two purposes: it guarantees file name uniqueness (no
merge conflicts) and lets us
   determine which release to group it in (the most recent one, in
case of merge+revert+merge patterns).
- we also create files that roll up all the notes within history
versions - named by the version. e.g. release-notes/1.2.3.yaml.

Yaml schema:
prelude: prelude prose
 - note1
 - note2
 - note3

1) determine the revisions we need to generate release notes for. By
default generate notes for the current minor release. (E.g. if the
tree version is 1.2.3.dev4 we would generate release notes for 1.2.0,
1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3[which dev4 is leading up to]).
2) For each version: scan all the commits to determine gerrit change-id's.
 i) read in all those change ids .yaml files and pull out any notes within them.
 ii) read in any full version yaml file (and merge in its contained notes)
 iii) Construct a markdown document as follows:
  a) Sort any preludes (there should be only one at most, but lets not
error if there are multiple)
  b) sort any notes
  c) for each note transform it into a bullet point by prepending its
first line with '- ' and every subsequent line with '  ' (two spaces
to form a hanging indent).
  d) strip any trailing \n's from everything.
  e) join the result - '\n'.join(chain(preludes, notes))
 iv) we output the resulting file to release-notes/$version.md where
$version is the pbr reported version for the tree (e.g. in the example
above it would be 1.2.3.dev4, *not* 1.2.3).
3) possibly symlink the highest output version to ./RELEASENOTES.md or
something, so other tooling can look for a constant value.

If we want to put release notes in sdists, we can have pbr do this,
otherwise it could just be built entirely separately.

I recommend we start with it entirely separate: part of the
release-management tooling.


Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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