Apologies to go back in time in the tread, but I wanted to share some extra context... On 10 August 2015 at 16:17, Gary Kotton <gkotton at vmware.com> wrote: > I agree that the sub team(s) need to review more. > > The question is how do the team member feel like they are making progress? > That is, do they see patches > Land. Do they receive postive feedback from cores that things are good, > bad or ugly? I have tried to write up why I think everyone should do more reviews: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/Mentoring#Why_do_code_reviews_if_I_am_not_in_nova-core.3F > I think that the PTL should assign at least 2 cores to each sub team. Let > the team have accountability. Without that there is no way of getting > anything done and we are back in the same spot. > > Without that we are just doing more of the same. The current plan (started at beginning of liberty) is to get subteams to help focus the core review effort by tell us what patches they have reviewed already, and think are the most important: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/liberty-nova-priorities-tracking This worked well in kilo for the priorities and trivial patches. We are trying to extend it. I am regularly asking all cores to prefer review patches listed in the etherpad. It appears this is now starting to happen, slowly. I hope that recommendation becomes trusted enough to mean more than just "please review me": https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/Liberty_Release_Schedule#Subteam_recommendation_as_a_.2B2 Thanks, John PS A poor summary of some of the related discussions in the past, can be found here: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/Liberty_Release_Schedule#Splitting_out_the_virt_drivers_.28or_other_bits_of_code.29