[openstack-dev] [swift] container DB movement to another

Senthil senthil69 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 21:38:17 UTC 2015


Are you currently using same disks/nodes  for container and  object storage
talks about replacing storage nodes. The same instructions applies to
container db as well.You need to apply the changes to container ring and
push it out.  You will be able to move container db to different server or
relocate container db to different disk

Hope it helps


On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 2:39 PM, Jinkyung Hwang <jinkyung.hwang at kt.com>

> Hello,
> Is there any method to move A container DB to another container server of
> different physical disk of original one ?
> I have a very large container (having 70 million objects).
> This container IO makes other customer's container read/write operation
> very slow, so I'd like to move it to another location that is more idle.
> BUT Swift URL is made with MD5 Hash and it cannot be modifiable.
> How can I move the container DB ? Or is there any method to use something
> like 'link' ?
> It would be appreciated if you share any ideas.
> Thank you
> Jinkyung Hwang
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- Senthil
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