[openstack-dev] [neutron] Need guidance - functional tests and rootwrap
Paul Michali
pc at michali.net
Thu Apr 30 19:16:13 UTC 2015
So, I think I see where it is failing, but I'm not quite sure how to
resolve. It appears that the functional test for the namespace module and
strongswan module, will end up invoking neutron-vpn-netns-wrapper script,
which is setup to point to
The main() for this, will run execute() in oslo, but with paths mounted.
The issue here, is that it will register three config options, and one is
the path and file for rootwrap.conf. It uses the default of
/etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf. However, when running the functional test, it
sets up the project's .tox/dsvm-functional-sswan/etc/neutron/ with all the
rootwrap info, instead of /etc/neutron/. It looks to be that the attribute
is rootwrap_config, and is in default.
Here are the questions (for me)...
Should I modify the tests to set cfg.CONF.rootwrap_config to the
environment? If so how do I specify the area? It depends on the functional
test target being run, and that could be dsvm-functional or
dsvm-functional-sswan (.tox/<test name>/etc/neutron).
Or, should I put all the rootwrap config files in /etc/neutron (like they
would be when devstack is stacked)? I could call the deploy_rootwrap.sh
script in Neutron, but use sudo, so that it places it in /etc/neutron. I
would have to create my own version of the neutron
configure_for_func_tests.sh _install_rootwrap_sudoers() method that sets
the destination to use /etc/neutron and not the project's .tox/<test-name>
area. I think it may also have to add the neutron-vpn-netns-wrapper script
to the sudo list?
Or, should the netns_wrapper.py be changed to look for the config entry in
the [vpnagent] space, so that it can be in vpnagent.ini and we apply the
path there? This changes that (maybe unused) configuration. I do know that
if I change the default for the rootwrap_config config entry to point to my
project's tox area, the tests pass.
Still don't have my head fully wrapped around this...
On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 9:34 AM Paul Michali <pc at michali.net> wrote:
> I just checked with another run and the log shows that the vpnaas.filters
> file is indeed in the .tox area. So, still stumped as to why the rootwrap
> daemon is looking for the config file in /etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/
> Any ideas?
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 7:21 AM Paul Michali <pc at michali.net> wrote:
>> The latter. If you look at Jenkins results for 168115, it shows that
>> there is an invalid config file at /etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf. However, it
>> should be accessing
>> /opt/stack/new/neutron-vpnaas/.tox/dsvm-functional-sswan/etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf.
>> The deploy_rootwrap.sh call in tox.ini should place the files in the .tox
>> area (it does locally), and the OS_ROOTWRAP_CMD (and
>> OS_ROOTWRAP_DAEMON_CMD) are set to these areas as well. It just seems that
>> the rootwrap daemon is not using the right file.
>> In the latest run, I dumped out environment variables, which show this:
>> 2015-04-24 15:19:15.499 <http://logs.openstack.org/15/168115/29/check/check-neutron-vpnaas-dsvm-functional-sswan/c857bcd/console.html.gz#_2015-04-24_15_19_15_499> | 2015-04-24 15:19:15.466 | OS_ROOTWRAP_DAEMON_CMD=sudo /opt/stack/new/neutron-vpnaas/.tox/dsvm-functional-sswan/bin/neutron-rootwrap-daemon /opt/stack/new/neutron-vpnaas/.tox/dsvm-functional-sswan/etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf2015-04-24 15:19:15.499 <http://logs.openstack.org/15/168115/29/check/check-neutron-vpnaas-dsvm-functional-sswan/c857bcd/console.html.gz#_2015-04-24_15_19_15_499> | 2015-04-24 15:19:15.467 | OS_SUDO_TESTING=12015-04-24 15:19:15.499 <http://logs.openstack.org/15/168115/29/check/check-neutron-vpnaas-dsvm-functional-sswan/c857bcd/console.html.gz#_2015-04-24_15_19_15_499> | 2015-04-24 15:19:15.469 | OS_ROOTWRAP_CMD=sudo /opt/stack/new/neutron-vpnaas/.tox/dsvm-functional-sswan/bin/neutron-rootwrap /opt/stack/new/neutron-vpnaas/.tox/dsvm-functional-sswan/etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf
>> I have added a test case in the module that is failing that shows the
>> value of cfg.CONF.AGENT.root_helper_daemon. It shows:
>> sudo
>> /opt/stack/new/neutron-vpnaas/.tox/dsvm-functional-sswan/bin/neutron-rootwrap-daemon
>> /opt/stack/new/neutron-vpnaas/.tox/dsvm-functional-sswan/etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf
>> Is that correct?
>> When the test cases run, there is this error:
>> 2015-04-24 15:19:18.536 <http://logs.openstack.org/15/168115/29/check/check-neutron-vpnaas-dsvm-functional-sswan/c857bcd/console.html.gz#_2015-04-24_15_19_18_536> | 2015-04-24 15:19:18.486 | 2015-04-24 15:19:17.986 31628 INFO oslo_rootwrap.client [-] Spawned new rootwrap daemon process with pid=316672015-04-24 15:19:18.536 <http://logs.openstack.org/15/168115/29/check/check-neutron-vpnaas-dsvm-functional-sswan/c857bcd/console.html.gz#_2015-04-24_15_19_18_536> | 2015-04-24 15:19:18.487 | 2015-04-24 15:19:18.470 31628 ERROR neutron.agent.linux.utils [-] 2015-04-24 15:19:18.536 <http://logs.openstack.org/15/168115/29/check/check-neutron-vpnaas-dsvm-functional-sswan/c857bcd/console.html.gz#_2015-04-24_15_19_18_536> | 2015-04-24 15:19:18.489 | Command: ['neutron-vpn-netns-wrapper', '--mount_paths=/etc:/var/lib/neutron/vpnaas/func-8f1b728c-6eca-4042-9b6b-6ef66ab9352a/etc,/var/run:/var/lib/neutron/vpnaas/func-8f1b728c-6eca-4042-9b6b-6ef66ab9352a/var/run', '--cmd=nofiltercommand']2015-04-24 15:19:18.537 <http://logs.openstack.org/15/168115/29/check/check-neutron-vpnaas-dsvm-functional-sswan/c857bcd/console.html.gz#_2015-04-24_15_19_18_537> | 2015-04-24 15:19:18.490 | Exit code: 222015-04-24 15:19:18.537 <http://logs.openstack.org/15/168115/29/check/check-neutron-vpnaas-dsvm-functional-sswan/c857bcd/console.html.gz#_2015-04-24_15_19_18_537> | 2015-04-24 15:19:18.492 | Stdin: 2015-04-24 15:19:18.537 <http://logs.openstack.org/15/168115/29/check/check-neutron-vpnaas-dsvm-functional-sswan/c857bcd/console.html.gz#_2015-04-24_15_19_18_537> | 2015-04-24 15:19:18.493 | Stdout: 2015-04-24 15:19:18.537 <http://logs.openstack.org/15/168115/29/check/check-neutron-vpnaas-dsvm-functional-sswan/c857bcd/console.html.gz#_2015-04-24_15_19_18_537> | 2015-04-24 15:19:18.495 | Stderr: 2015-04-24 15:19:18.456 31727 ERROR neutron_vpnaas.services.vpn.common.netns_wrapper [-] Incorrect configuration file: /etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf
>> Now, there is a vpnaas.filters file that I copy into the rootwrap.d area, using this command in the tox.ini:
>> cp {toxinidir}/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/vpnaas.filters {envdir}/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/
>> The file has the neutorn-vpn-netns-wrapper entry in it. Maybe the copy is failing?
>> Regards,
>> PCM
>> On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 9:39 PM Angus Lees <gus at inodes.org> wrote:
>>> The tox.ini entry for dsvm-fullstack sets OS_ROOTWRAP_CMD=sudo
>>> {envbindir}/neutron-rootwrap {envdir}/etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf (and
>>> something similar for rootwrap-daemon).
>>> Is this the answer you were looking for, or are you saying
>>> OS_ROOTWRAP_CMD doesn't appear to be honoured in your case?
>>> - Gus
>>> On Sat, 25 Apr 2015 at 00:45 Ihar Hrachyshka <ihrachys at redhat.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hash: SHA256
>>>> On 04/24/2015 04:02 PM, Ihar Hrachyshka wrote:
>>>> > On 04/24/2015 03:48 PM, Paul Michali wrote:
>>>> >> Hi, I'm floundering a bit, and could use some guidance on
>>>> >> this...
>>>> >
>>>> >> For the neutron-vpnaas repo, I am trying to modify the
>>>> >> functional jobs (dsvm-functional and dsvm-functional-sswan) to
>>>> >> act in a similar manner to neutron, where devstack is configured,
>>>> >> but no stacking is performed.
>>>> >
>>>> >> I'm trying to do the same thing and have the jobs doing the
>>>> >> configuration only. Side note: there are two jobs, because there
>>>> >> are currently two reference implementations of VPN drivers, each
>>>> >> of which require a different IPSec package installed.
>>>> >
>>>> >> As part of this setup, in tox.ini, the neutron
>>>> >> deploy_rootwrap.sh script is called which places the rootwrap
>>>> >> filters and config file in the repo's
>>>> >> .tox/dsvm-functional/etc/neutron/ area (or
>>>> >> ./tox/dsvm-functional-sswan/etc/neutron/).
>>>> >
>>>> >> Now, the issue I see is that tests trying to run "ip" commands,
>>>> >> are failing saying that the config file is invalid:
>>>> >
>>>> >> ERROR neutron_vpnaas.services.vpn.common.netns_wrapper [-]
>>>> >> Incorrect configuration file: /etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf
>>>> >
>>>> >> As you can see, this is trying to access the rootwrap.conf in
>>>> >> /etc/neutron and not the one in
>>>> >> /opt/stack/new/neutron-vpnaas/.tox/dsvm-functioanl-sswan/etc/neutron/
>>>> .
>>>> >
>>>> >> For Neutron, how is the dsvm-functional job directing the
>>>> >> rootwrap daemon to use the files in the repo's .tox area?
>>>> >
>>>> > It may be the case that oslo_config.cfg.find_config_files is
>>>> > involved, doing its dirty config file autodiscovery job. May I ask
>>>> > you to try out [1] that is designed to avoid it, and report back
>>>> > with the result?
>>>> >
>>>> > [1]:
>>>> > https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172354/1/neutron/tests/base.py
>>>> >
>>>> Nah, that won't help for rootwrap. It does not even rely on
>>>> oslo.config, and the config file is passed with CLI args. I recommend
>>>> checking what's cfg.CONF.AGENT.root_helper_daemon value inside your
>>>> failing test cases to see whether tox properly passed
>>>> OS_ROOTWRAP_DAEMON_CMD, with {envdir} properly substituted.
>>>> Ihar
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