[openstack-dev] [metrics] what answers do you expect from counting comments? (was Re: Please stop reviewing code while asking questions)

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Fri Apr 24 15:57:57 UTC 2015

On Fri, 2015-04-24 at 15:02 +0000, Amrith Kumar wrote:
> I would support changes to both reviewstats and stackalytics to do the
> following.
> 1. recognizes and gives credit to '0' comments
> 2. identifies recheck, reverify and similar directives to the CI
> system and flag them appropriately, potentially as not being reviews
> but something else. 

I'm intrigued by this request. In the Quarterly Activity Reports[1] I am
more interested in time to merge (the time for a changeset to go from
first proposal to merged), time to respond (for human interations in
comments) and iterations (how many patchsets in a changeset). 

I wonder if I should expand the scope of the reports.  Can you elaborate
why you are interested in this sort of count?



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