[openstack-dev] TC candidacy

Dean Troyer dtroyer at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 16:43:13 UTC 2015

Hello OpenStack world! My name is Dean Troyer and I am running for the
OpenStack Technical Committee.

I have been part of the OpenStack community for a long time and heavily
involved in three projects: I was an early contributor to DevStack and
served as its PTL during its short tenure as a stand-alone program, I
started Grenade to use DevStack as the basis for upgrade testing. I also am
the PTL of the OpenStackClient project that recently became the first
project brought into the expanded official project definition.

The common thread of my work in OpenStack has been with things that cross
the traditional vertical service projects. This has highlighted the scope
and consequences of differences between projects for me. Differences that
affect project developers is one thing, and sometimes a good thing even,
but differences that adversely affect deployers and consumers of OpenStack
clouds is another thing altogether. I believe this is where the focus of
encouraging projects to converge should be placed. Efforts like the API
Working Group and the Log Working Group need to be encouraged where they
improve the experiences of our customers (where 'our' == 'OpenStack' and
'customers' == 'everyone downstream from OpenStack').

I believe the TC has a good bit of work ahead to follow through
implementing the vision of inclusiveness. Communicating the state of
projects is a huge part of this. We should set up the goals and see who can
score. Those projects that do score will be the ones rewarded not by the TC
but by the rest of the community. One specific example that I think the TC
should facilitate is describing the technical relationships between
projects. The TC should bless, if not create, a common vocabulary to
describe the groups of projects and their relationships. While this may be
expressed in 'tags', it is more than just tag definitions.

The Technical Committee is unique in that in some way it touches every
aspect of OpenStack: projects and project developers, application
developers, distributors and VARs, cloud deployers and operators, end
users, and the OpenStack Board of Directors (DefCore!). The TC is the duct
tape of OpenStack! No, it is better than that, it is by design the group
that oversees enabling everything else to succeed.

I believe that TC members must have a broad vision and insight into many
parts of OpenStack and depth into at least a couple of areas. And I believe
that I have both of those attributes. I would appreciate your consideration
and vote.

As I mentioned above, I have been part of the OpenStack community since
before there was one, working on the original Nova deployment at NASA. That
was followed by a stint at Rackspace where DevStack and OSC were born, and
on to Nebula where we tossed Grenade into the world. After the recent
events at Nebula I will be joining Intel soon and again be focused on
upstream OpenStack projects.

Thanks again for your time and consideration


Dean Troyer
dtroyer at gmail.com
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