[openstack-dev] [Nova] [Horizon] Insufficient (?) features in current Nova API

Timur Sufiev tsufiev at mirantis.com
Thu Apr 9 18:40:14 UTC 2015


While analyzing Horizon behavior on a large scale we faced some performance
issues which are most probably caused by inefficient calls to Nova API from
Horizon, more specifically described at

Since my knowledge of Nova existing APIs is not very comprehensive I am not
quite sure whether current Nova API indeed doesn't support requesting the
details of a multiple instances limited by their <instance_id>-s (passed as
part of `search_opts` parameter) or I just failed to find the proper REST
call at http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref-compute-v2.1.html

Nova developers, could you please help me on that matter?

Timur Sufiev
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