[openstack-dev] [barbican] Utilizing the KMIP plugin

Christopher N Solis cnsolis at us.ibm.com
Mon Apr 6 15:25:58 UTC 2015


Sorry to Kaitlin Farr for not responding directly to your e-mail.
My openstack settings were misconfigured and I was not receiving e-mail
from the dev mailing list.
Thanks for looking into the issue.

I double checked the permissions at the bottom of the kmip_plugin part in
the barbican-api.conf file
and they are set to 400.

I would also like to note that I do not think the code ever actually
entered the __init__ function
of KMIPSecretStore. I put a breakpoint in the __init__ function but the
debugger never gets open.
The error occurs and returns without ever seeming to enter the init

Here are the parts of the barbican-api.conf file that concern the
namespace = barbican.secretstore.plugin
enabled_secretstore_plugins = kmip_plugin
username = '**********'
password = '**********'
host = ********
port = ********
keyfile = '/etc/barbican/rootCA.key'
certfile = '/etc/barbican/rootCA.pem'
ca_certs = '/etc/barbican/rootCA.pem'

Thank You!!

	Christopher Solis
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