[openstack-dev] [Zaqar] Zaqar's path cleared out

Flavio Percoco flavio at redhat.com
Tue Sep 23 09:55:51 UTC 2014


I recently published a post[0] about Zaqar's path going forward with the
hope to clarify a bit the project's vision and guarantees as a service -
I didn't mention API features.

Since we've been talking about this lately, I thought to share the post
here to ease the discussion and to kinda force you all to read it :P -
for better or for worse. :D

I'm going to shamelessly copy/paste the post here but I'll strip out the
intro since it talks about the last review process and we've enough of that.

[0] http://blog.flaper87.com/post/zaqar-path-going-forward/

Here it goes:


All the above discussions have been interesting but I'd like to take a
step back and walk you through a perhaps less technical topic but not
less important. It's clear to me that not everyone knows what the
project's vision is. So far, we've made clear what Zaqar's API goals
are, what kind of service Zaqar is and the use-cases it tries to address
but we haven't neither explicitly explained nor documented well-enough
what Zaqar's scalability goals are, what guarantees from a storage
perspective it gives nor how much value the project is putting on things
like interoperability.

Zaqar has quite a set of features that give operators enough flexibility
to achieve different scales and/or adapt it to their know-how and very
specific needs. Something we've - or at least I have - always said about
Zaqar - for better or for worse - is that you can play with its layers
as if they were Lego bricks. I still think this is true and it doesn't
mean Zaqar is trying to address *all* the use cases or making *everyone*
happy. We want to give them flexibility to add functionality for
additional use cases that aren't supported out of the box.. I know this
has lots of implications, I'll dig into it a bit more later.

*Zaqar's vision is to provide a cross-cloud interoperable,
fully-reliable messaging service at scale that is both, easy and not
invasive, for deployers and users.*

It goes with no saying that the service (and team) has strived to
achieve the above since the very beginning and I believe it does that,
modulo bugs/improvements, right now.


Zaqar aims to be a fully-reliable service, therefore messages should
never be lost under any circumstances except for when the message's
expiration time (ttl) is reached - messages will not be around for ever
(unless you explicitly request that). As of now, Zaqar's reliability
guarantee relies on the storage ability to do so and on the service to
be properly configured.

For example, if Zaqar is deployed on top of MongoDB - the current
recommended storage for production - you'd likely do it by configuring a
replica set or even a sharded cluster so that every message is
replicated but if you use a single mongod instance, there's nothing the
service can do to guarantee reliability. Well, there actually is, Zaqar
could force deployers to configure either a replica set or a sharded
cluster and die if they don't - we will likely force deployers.


Zaqar's design was thought at scale. Not all storage technologies will
be able to perform the same way under massive loads, hence it's really
important to choose a storage backend capable of supporting the expected
user base.

That said, Zaqar also has some built-in scaling capabilities that aim to
make scaling storage technologies easier and push their limits farther
away. Zaqar's pools allow users to scale their storage layer by adding
new storage clusters to it and balancing queues across them.

For example, if you have a zaqar+mongodb deployment and your mongodb
cluster (regardless it is a replica set or a sharded cluster) reaches
it's scaling limits, it'd be possible to setup a new mongodb cluster and
add it as a pool in Zaqar. Zaqar will then balance queues based on the
pools' weight across your storage clusters.

Although the above may sound like a quite naive feature, it is not. The
team is aware of the limitations related to pools and the things left to
do to make it less so. Let me walk you through some of these things.

One thing that you may  have spotted from the above is that pools work
in a per-queue basis, which means there's no way to split queues across
several storage clusters. This could be an issue for *huge* queues and
it could make it more difficult to keep pools load balanced.
Nonetheless, I still think it makes sense to keep it this way and here's

By balancing on queues and not messages, we're leaving the work of
replicating and balancing messages to the technologies that have been
doing it for years. This falls perfectly into Zaqar's will of relying as
much as possible on the storage technology without re-inventing the
wheel (nothing bad about the later, though). Though, I'd like to go a
bit further than just "the service wants to rely on existing technologies".

Messages (data) distribution is not an easy task. I had the pleasure (?)
to work on the core of these algorithms in the past and thankfully I
know enough to want to be away from this while I can. For the sake of
the argument, lets assume we add built-in message distribution in Zaqar.
The way I think it would work is that we'd require a set of pools to
exist so we can distribute messages across them. Then, the storage
cluster itself will take care of the messages' replication. What this
means is that deployers life would get more complicated since they'll be
forced to create several storage clusters even for very basic Zaqar
deployments in order to have messages replicated.

Now, to avoid forcing deployers to create several clusters, lets assume
we implement message replication within Zaqar as well. This removes the
need for deployers to create several clusters since even a single mongod
instance - neither a replica set nor a sharded cluster is needed - would
work perfectly as a pool since Zaqar would take care of replicating
messages. Without getting into the technical details of how much logic
we would need to move into Zaqar and the fact that we would be
re-inventing things that had already been done elsewhere, I'd like us to
ask ourselves why we should depend on external storage technologies if
we already have everything needed to balance and replicate data
ourselves? Lets not focus on the many tiny details but the overall
picture. The service would be doing most of what's needed so why
wouldn't we add the missing part and stop relying on external technologies?

All the above is to say that I'd rather spend time working on a swift
driver - which we've discussed since the Icehouse summit - than working
on having per-message balancing capabilities in Zaqar. Swift knows how
to do this very well and it'd make perfectly sense to have zaqar on top
of 1 swift pool and just scale that one. I'm not saying mongodb is not
good for this job, although we (Zaqar team) should work on documenting
better how to use a sharded mongodb cluster with Zaqar.

In other words, Zaqar's scaling focus most be balanced between the API,
the guarantees it provides and the storage technology. I believe most of
the focus should be invested in the later. The more pools you add, the
more resources you'll need and the more complicated your deployment becomes.

There are definitely some issues related to balancing queues - a.k.a
buckets, containers, toy's boxes, drawers, etc - and there's a very good
reason why swift doesn't do it for containers. One of the things I'd
like to see improved is the balancing algorithm Zaqar uses. As of now,
it has a very naive and simple algorithm based on weights. The thing I
like about this algorithm is that it gives the deployer enough control
over the available clusters and the thing I don't like is that it gives
the deployer enough control over the available clusters ;). I'd like to
also have an algorithm that would make this balancing easier and that
doesn't require the deployer to do anything besides adding new pools.

Again, I think pools are great but we should strive to scale the storage
layer as much as possible before adding new pools.


Probably hard to believe but I think this is the most difficult task we
have had and we will ever have. The project aims to preserve
interoperability across clouds and to be able to do so, the features
exposed through the API must be guaranteed to work on every cloud
regardless of the storage technologies. As much as I'd like this to be
true and possible, I think it's not and I also think this applies to
every OpenStack service.

We cannot force deployers to deploy Zaqar in a way it'll preserve
interoperability across clouds. Deployers are free to configure Zaqar
(and any service) as they wish and install whatever driver they want
(even non-official ones). If a deployer configures Zaqar on top of a
single mongod instance or simply changes the write concern, Zaqar won't
be reliable and message could be lost if the node goes down, hence the
guarantee will broken.

In addition to the above, optional features, third-party drivers and
custom settings - smaller maximum message size, for example - are
neither part of this guarantee nor the team can do anything about them.

What we can do, though, is to make sure the features exposed through the
API are supported by all the drivers we maintain, work on a set of
deployment scenarios that would guarantee interoperability across clouds
and make sure the default values of our configuration options are sane
enough not to require any deployment to change them.

I'm sure there's a lot more to interoperability than what I'm stating
here. What I want to get to is that we strive to make it easier for the
service and deployers to preserve interoperability but I believe it
cannot be guaranteed at 100%

As you may have noticed, Zaqar has been under a fire storm for the last
~4 weeks, which has been both exciting and stressful - nonetheless,
please keep the fire coming.

Many people have many different expectations about Zaqar and it's
impossible to make everyone happy so, if you're part of the unhappy
group of people (or end up there), I'm sorry. The team has a clear
vision of what this service has to provide and a mission to make that
happen. I'm sure the service is not perfect and that you don't need to
dig deep to find things that should work differently. If you do, please
let us know, we're always looking forward to constructive feedback and
making the service better.

Messaging is a broader enough field to cover tons of different tones of
grey. While Zaqar is not trying to hold them all, it is definitely
trying to provide enough to make the service worth it and suffice the
use cases it has.


Flavio Percoco

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