[openstack-dev] [Ironic] (Non-)consistency of the Ironic hash ring implementation

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu Sep 4 09:51:15 UTC 2014

On 4 September 2014 19:53, Nejc Saje <nsaje at redhat.com> wrote:

> I used the terms that are used in the original caching use-case, as
> described in [1] and are used in the pypi lib as well[2]. With the correct
> approach, there aren't actually any partitions, 'replicas' actually denotes
> the number of times you hash a node onto the ring. As for nodes&keys, what's
> your suggestion?

So - we should change the Ironic terms then, I suspect (but lets check
with Deva who wrote the original code where he got them from).

The parameters we need to create a ring are:
 - how many fallback positions we use for data (currently referred to
as replicas)
 - how many times we hash the servers hosting data into the ring
(currently inferred via the hash_partition_exponent / server count)
 - the servers

and then we probe data items as we go.

The original paper isn't
http://www.martinbroadhurst.com/Consistent-Hash-Ring.html -
http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= is
referenced by it, and that paper doesn't include the term replica
count at all. In other systems like cassandra, replicas generally
refers to how many servers end up holding a copy of the data: Martin
Broadhurts paper uses replica there in quite a different sense - I
much prefer the Ironic use, which says how many servers will be
operating on the data: its externally relevant.

I've no objection talking about keys, but 'node' is an API object in
Ironic, so I'd rather we talk about hosts - or make it something
clearly not node like 'bucket' (which the 1997 paper talks about in
describing consistent hash functions).

So proposal:
 - key - a stringifyable thing to be mapped to buckets
 - bucket a worker/store that wants keys mapped to it
 - replicas - number of buckets a single key wants to be mapped to
 - partitions - number of total divisions of the hash space (power of
2 required)

> I've opened a bug[3], so you can add a Closes-Bug to your patch.



Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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