Hi all, The alpha release of Congress is now available! We'd love any and all feedback. Components and Features - Support for policy monitoring - Policy engine implementation - Message-passing architecture - Drivers for Nova and Neutron - Devstack integration - Documentation - REST API README (with install instructions): https://github.com/stackforge/congress/blob/master/README.rst Tutorial: https://github.com/stackforge/congress/blob/master/doc/source/tutorial-tenant-sharing.rst Troubleshooting: https://github.com/stackforge/congress/blob/master/doc/source/troubleshooting.rst Contributors (IRC, Reviews, Code): Sergio Cazzolato (sjcazzol) Peter Balland (pballand) Mohammad Banikazemi (banix) Rajdeep Dua (rajdeep) Conner Ferguson (Radu) Tim Hinrichs (thinrichs) Gokul Kandiraju (gokul) Harrison Kelly (harrisonkelly) Prabhakar Kudva (kudva) Susanta Nanda (skn) Sean Roberts (sarob) Iben Rodriguez (iben) Aaron Rosen (arosen) Derick Winkworth (cloudtoad) Alex Yip (alexsyip) Sincerely, The Congress team