[openstack-dev] [cinder][nova] Are disk-intensive operations managed ... or not?
John Griffith
john.griffith8 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 14:51:24 UTC 2014
On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 8:50 AM, John Griffith <john.griffith8 at gmail.com>
> On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 1:30 AM, Preston L. Bannister <
> preston at bannister.us> wrote:
>> John,
>> As a (new) OpenStack developer, I just discovered the
OHHH... Most importantly, I almost forgot. Welcome!!!
>> As an *implicit* default, I entirely approve. Production OpenStack
>> installations should *absolutely* insure there is no information leakage
>> from one instance to the next.
>> As an *explicit* default, I am not so sure. Low-end storage requires you
>> do this explicitly. High-end storage can insure information never leaks.
>> Counting on high level storage can make the upper levels more efficient,
>> can be a good thing.
> Not entirely sure of the distinction intended as far as
> implicit/explicit... but one other thing I should probably point out; this
> ONLY applies to the LVM driver, maybe that's what you're getting at. Would
> be better probably to advertise as an LVM Driver option (easy enough to do
> in the config options help message).
> Anyway, I just wanted to point to some of the options like using io-nice,
> clear-size, blkio cgroups, bps_limit......
> It doesn't suck as bad as you might have thought or some of the other
> respondents on this thread seem to think. There's certainly room for
> improvement and growth but it hasn't been completely ignored on the Cinder
> side.
>> The debate about whether to wipe LV's pretty much massively depends on
>> the intelligence of the underlying store. If the lower level storage never
>> returns accidental information ... explicit zeroes are not needed.
>> On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 11:15 PM, John Griffith <john.griffith8 at gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 9:17 AM, Duncan Thomas <duncan.thomas at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> For LVM-thin I believe it is already disabled? It is only really
>>>> needed on LVM-thick, where the returning zeros behaviour is not done.
>>>> On 21 October 2014 08:29, Avishay Traeger <avishay at stratoscale.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > I would say that wipe-on-delete is not necessary in most deployments.
>>>> >
>>>> > Most storage backends exhibit the following behavior:
>>>> > 1. Delete volume A that has data on physical sectors 1-10
>>>> > 2. Create new volume B
>>>> > 3. Read from volume B before writing, which happens to map to physical
>>>> > sector 5 - backend should return zeroes here, and not data from
>>>> volume A
>>>> >
>>>> > In case the backend doesn't provide this rather standard behavior,
>>>> data must
>>>> > be wiped immediately. Otherwise, the only risk is physical security,
>>>> and if
>>>> > that's not adequate, customers shouldn't be storing all their data
>>>> there
>>>> > regardless. You could also run a periodic job to wipe deleted
>>>> volumes to
>>>> > reduce the window of vulnerability, without making delete_volume take
>>>> a
>>>> > ridiculously long time.
>>>> >
>>>> > Encryption is a good option as well, and of course it protects the
>>>> data
>>>> > before deletion as well (as long as your keys are protected...)
>>>> >
>>>> > Bottom line - I too think the default in devstack should be to
>>>> disable this
>>>> > option, and think we should consider making the default False in
>>>> Cinder
>>>> > itself. This isn't the first time someone has asked why volume
>>>> deletion
>>>> > takes 20 minutes...
>>>> >
>>>> > As for queuing backup operations and managing bandwidth for various
>>>> > operations, ideally this would be done with a holistic view, so that
>>>> for
>>>> > example Cinder operations won't interfere with Nova, or different Nova
>>>> > operations won't interfere with each other, but that is probably far
>>>> down
>>>> > the road.
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks,
>>>> > Avishay
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 9:16 AM, Chris Friesen <
>>>> chris.friesen at windriver.com>
>>>> > wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> On 10/19/2014 09:33 AM, Avishay Traeger wrote:
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Hi Preston,
>>>> >>> Replies to some of your cinder-related questions:
>>>> >>> 1. Creating a snapshot isn't usually an I/O intensive operation.
>>>> Are
>>>> >>> you seeing I/O spike or CPU? If you're seeing CPU load, I've seen
>>>> the
>>>> >>> CPU usage of cinder-api spike sometimes - not sure why.
>>>> >>> 2. The 'dd' processes that you see are Cinder wiping the volumes
>>>> during
>>>> >>> deletion. You can either disable this in cinder.conf, or you can
>>>> use a
>>>> >>> relatively new option to manage the bandwidth used for this.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> IMHO, deployments should be optimized to not do very long/intensive
>>>> >>> management operations - for example, use backends with efficient
>>>> >>> snapshots, use CoW operations wherever possible rather than copying
>>>> full
>>>> >>> volumes/images, disabling wipe on delete, etc.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> In a public-cloud environment I don't think it's reasonable to
>>>> disable
>>>> >> wipe-on-delete.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Arguably it would be better to use encryption instead of
>>>> wipe-on-delete.
>>>> >> When done with the backing store, just throw away the key and it'll
>>>> be
>>>> >> secure enough for most purposes.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Chris
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
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>>>> >
>>>> >
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>>>> --
>>>> Duncan Thomas
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>>> We disable this in the Gates "CINDER_SECURE_DELETE=False"
>>> ThinLVM (which hopefully will be default upon release of Kilo) doesn't
>>> need it because internally it returns zeros when reading unallocated blocks
>>> so it's a non-issue.
>>> The debate of to wipe LV's or not to is a long running issue. The
>>> default behavior in Cinder is to leave it enable and IMHO that's how it
>>> should stay. The fact is anything that might be construed as "less secure"
>>> and has been defaulted to the "more secure" setting should be left as it
>>> is. It's simple to turn this off.
>>> Also, nobody seemed to mention that in the case of Cinder operations
>>> like copy-volume and the delete process you also have the ability to set
>>> bandwidth limits on these operations, and in the case of delete even
>>> specify different schemes (not just enabled/disabled but other options that
>>> may be less or more IO intensive).
>>> For further reference checkout the config options [1]
>>> Thanks,
>>> John
>>> [1]:
>>> https://github.com/openstack/cinder/blob/master/cinder/volume/driver.py#L69
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