[openstack-dev] ETSI NFV gap analysis [NFV]

Alan Kavanagh alan.kavanagh at ericsson.com
Mon Oct 6 15:54:03 UTC 2014

I believe pointing it to the NFV Wiki would be good and that way it can be discussed during one of the weekly meetings run by Steven et.al and match the list to what is being requested to what is identified in the wiki list as a good starting point.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sylvain Bauza [mailto:sbauza at redhat.com] 
Sent: October-06-14 9:19 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] ETSI NFV gap analysis [NFV]

Le 05/10/2014 09:22, MENDELSOHN, ITAI (ITAI) a écrit :
> Team,
> Following my action item from last week  IRC.
> It seems that the document is ready for submission by ETSI NFV team.
> It was written in a liaison form as this is how they are used to operate.
> They are wondering who should they send it to...
> IMHO it seems a good idea that the NFV sub group will "receive" it in behalf of the community.
> Thoughts?
> Itai

I don't know the legal conditions of the publication of this document, but I would assume it would be worth of interest within the whole OpenStack community so anyone could see what's missing and contribute to it.

At least pointing the document to the NFV wiki page sounds important, provided this communication can be done this way (ie. no opt-in list for people looking at the doc)


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