[openstack-dev] [all] Tentative schedule for Kilo Design Summit in Paris

Angus Salkeld asalkeld at mirantis.com
Mon Oct 6 11:47:57 UTC 2014

On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 8:29 PM, Thierry Carrez <thierry at openstack.org>

> Hi everyone,
> I published a tentative schedule for the Kilo Design Summit in Paris:
> http://kilodesignsummit.sched.org/
> The content is still very much a work in progress (as you can see by the
> "topic tbd" labels everywhere), but it shows when each project will be
> discussed, so hopefully you can start planning attendance more
> precisely. Also remember we'll have a number of "pods" available so that
> the discussion and collaboration can continue even when you don't have a
> session on the schedule. You should generally plan to attend all 4 days !
> I tried to avoid PTLs conflicts with presentations they give on the
> OpenStack Summit side, and also made sure to reduce overlap between
> "vertical" programs and "horizontal" ones (for example, making sure
> Cinder folks can attend some "QA" or some "Keystone" sessions). It's a
> pretty delicate balance, so I don't expect to make major changes unless
> a critical conflict is reported and we can fix it with limited changes.
> Remember that you can help shape the agenda of each subtrack by joining
> the corresponding team meetings and participating in the brainstorming
> of topics using the public documents at:
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Summit/Planning
Hi Thierry

When does each project have to have the content nailed down?


> More information on the Kilo summit will be posted at:
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Summit/Kilo
> Regards,
> --
> Thierry Carrez (ttx)
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