Hi, For the past couple of weeks one of the agenda items on our weekly IRC meetings [1][2] has been to finalize on resources' naming convention to avoid any conflict/confusion in the future. Based on community feedback we had earlier agreed to rename Endpoints and Endpoint Groups to Policy Targets and Policy Target Groups respectively. Since then we have received additional feedback to rename Contracts to Policy Rules Set, and Policy Labels to Policy Tags. If there are no major objections, we will move forward with these name changes. For more information on these resources, please refer to the Group-based Policy spec [3]. Please also note that current GBP development is continuing in the StackForge repos [4]. Thanks, ~Sumit. [1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/networking_policy/2014/networking_policy.2014-09-25-18.02.log.html [2] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/networking_policy/2014/networking_policy.2014-10-02-18.01.log.html [3] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/87825 [4] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GroupBasedPolicy/StackForge/repos