Hello all, at our last Sahara IRC meeting we started discussing whether or not to add a global requirement for cm_api.py https://review.openstack.org/#/c/130153/ One issue (but not the only issue) is that cm_api is not packaged for Fedora, Centos, or Ubuntu currently. The global requirements README points out that adding requirements for a new dependency more or less forces the distros to package the dependency for the next OS release. Given that cm_api is needed for a plugin, but not for core Sahara functionality, should we request that the global requirement be added, or should we seek to add a global requirement only if/when cm_api is packaged? Alternatively, can we support the plugin with additional documentation (ie, how to install cm_api on the Sahara node)? Those present at the meeting agreed that it was probably better to defer a global requirement until/unless cm_api is packaged to avoid a burden on the distros. Thoughts? Best, Trevor Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/sahara/2014/sahara.2014-11-20-18.01.html Logs: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/sahara/2014/sahara.2014-11-20-18.01.log.html https://github.com/openstack/requirements