[openstack-dev] [Nova] Juno-1 Push and the J-1 (Soft)FeatureProposalFreeze

John Garbutt john at johngarbutt.com
Fri May 30 17:41:29 UTC 2014


Juno-1 release date is now less than two weeks away:

In this weeks nova-meeting we decided to apply a kind of
FeatureProposalFreeze for Juno-1. And that means...

Reviewers (thats everyone!)

1) Please lets give concentrate on reviewing Juno-1 blueprints:

2) If you have time, still keep the focus on reviewing more bugs:

3) Lets mostly ignore nova-specs reviews, until after Juno-1 is released

Blueprint Authors

There will be no more blueprints approved, until after Juno-1. Its
unlikely that any nova-spec will be approved until after Juno-1.

If blueprints don't have all the code up for review by early next
week, you are likely to see your blueprint pushed out into Juno-2, so
we can concentrate on those that already have all their code up for

If you have an approved Juno-1 blueprint (or any blueprint):
* please make sure you get the code up for review ASAP
* when _all_ the code is up for review, mark the blueprint as NeedsCodeReview
* when all the code for your blueprint has _merged_ please mark as Implemented

Blueprints with a small amount of the "expected" code patches up for
review, have already been moved out of Juno-1, we can move them back
should there be some kinda of miracle, and the blueprint gets into the
NeedsCodeReview state in the next few days.

I don't plan on doing a mass -2 of any non-Juno-1 blueprint patches,
it seems like overkill. But lets see how things go.

Bug Fixers

There are lots of bugs that have fixes submitted with no priority. If
you have a bug fix up for review, please make sure you tag your bug,
and work with that areas bug lead to make sure you get the priority
set correctly. It will help us prioritise reviewing your bug fix.

Our users want us to fix more bugs (and generally answer more of their bugs).

We also have the Bug Day to help. But our fearless Bug Czar will give
you more details about that.

Spec Backlog

Oh my, we have over 100 specs currently in review. Thank you for so
many people pitching in to help review things.

I am looking to find a way to make sure we can "fast track" the little
blueprints vs big blueprints, to make sure what should be quick will
stay quick.

I hope that all makes sense. Do bug me on IRC (johnthetubaguy) if you
have questions!


This is not meant to be process for the sake of process...
... its just me saying "lets focus on getting Juno-1 out the door"
... ideas welcome on simplifying this

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