[openstack-dev] [Nova] [Ironic] [Infra] Making Ironic vote as a third-party Nova driver
Devananda van der Veen
devananda.vdv at gmail.com
Thu May 29 17:30:21 UTC 2014
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 10:54 PM, Joshua Hesketh <
joshua.hesketh at rackspace.com> wrote:
> On 5/29/14 8:52 AM, James E. Blair wrote:
>> Devananda van der Veen <devananda.vdv at gmail.com> writes:
>> Hi all!
>>> This is a follow-up to several summit discussions on
>>> how-do-we-deprecate-baremetal, a summary of the plan forward, a call to
>>> raise awareness of the project's status, and hopefully gain some interest
>>> from folks on nova-core to help with spec and code reviews.
>>> The nova.virt.ironic driver lives in Ironic's git tree today [1]. We're
>>> cleaning it up and submitting it to Nova again this cycle. I've posted
>>> specs [2] outlining the design and planned upgrade process. Earlier
>>> today,
>>> we enabled voting in Ironic's check and gate queues for the
>>> tempest-dsvm-virtual-ironic job. This runs a tempest scenario test [3]
>>> against devstack, exercising Nova with the Ironic driver to PXE boot a
>>> virtual machine. It has been running for a few months on Ironic, and has
>>> been stable for more than a month. However, because Ironic is not
>>> integrated, we also can't vote in check/gate queues on integrated
>>> projects
>>> (like Nova). We can - and do - report the test result in a non-voting
>>> way,
>>> though that's easy to miss, since it looks like every other non-voting
>>> test.
>>> At the summit [4], it was suggested that we make this job report as
>>> though
>>> it were a third-party CI test for a Nova driver. This would be removed at
>>> the time that Ironic graduates and the job is allowed to vote in the
>>> gate.
>>> Until that time, I'm happy to have the nova.virt.ironic driver reporting
>>> as
>>> a third-party driver (even though it's not) simply to help raise
>>> awareness
>>> (third-party CI jobs are watched more closely than non-voting jobs) and
>>> decrease the likelihood that Nova developers will inadvertently break
>>> Ironic's gate.
>>> Given that there's a concrete plan forward, why am I sending this email
>>> to
>>> all three teams? A few reasons:
>>> - document the plan that we discussed
>>> - many people from infra and nova were not present during the discussion
>>> and may not be aware of the details
>>> - I may have gotten something wrong (it was a long week)
>>> - and mostly because I don't technically know how to make an upstream job
>>> report as though it's a third-party job, and am hoping someone wants to
>>> volunteer to help figure that out
>> I think it's a reasonable plan. To elaborate a bit, I think we
>> identified three categories of jobs that we run:
>> a) jobs that are voting
>> b) jobs that are non-voting because they are advisory
>> c) jobs that are non-voting for policy reasons but we feel fairly
>> strongly about
>> There's a pretty subtle distinction between b and c. Ideally, there
>> shouldn't be any. We've tried to minimize the number of non-voting jobs
>> to make sure that people don't ignore them. Nonetheless, it seems that
>> a large enough number of people still do that non-voting jobs are
>> considered ineffective in Nova. I think it's worth noting the potential
>> danger of de-emphasizing the actual results. It may make other
>> non-voting jobs even less effective than they already are.
>> The intent is to make the jobs described by (c) into voting jobs, but in
>> a way that they can still be overridden if need be. The aim is to help
>> new (eg, incubated) projects join the integrated gate in a way that lets
>> them prove they are sufficiently mature to do so without impacting the
>> currently integrated projects. I believe we're currently thinking that
>> point is after their integration approval. If we are comfortable with
>> incubated projects being able to block the integrated gate earlier, we
>> could simply make the non-voting jobs voting instead.
>> Back to the proposal at hand. I think we should call the kinds of jobs
>> described in (c) as "non-binding".
>> The best way to do that is to register a second user with Gerrit for
>> Zuul to use, and have it report non-binding jobs with a +/- 1 vote in
>> the check queue that is separate from the normal "Jenkins" vote. In
>> order to do that, we will have to modify Zuul to be able to support a
>> second user, and associate that user with a pipeline. Then configure a
>> new "non-binding" pipeline to use that user and run the desired jobs.
>> Note that a similar problem of curation may occur with the non-binding
>> jobs. If we run jobs for the incubated projects Foo and Bar, they will
>> share a vote in Gerrit, and Nova developers will have to examine the
>> results of -1 votes; if Bar consistently fails tests, it may need to be
>> made non-voting or removed to avoid obscuring Foo's results.
>> I expect the Zuul modification to take an experienced Zuul developer
>> about 2-3 days to write, or an inexperienced one about a week. If no
>> one else has started it by then, I will probably have some time around
>> the middle of the cycle to hack on it. In the mean time, we may want to
>> make sure that the number of non-voting jobs is at a minimum (and
>> further reduce them if possible), and emphasize to reviewers the
>> importance of checking posted results.
> I like this plan. I can make a start on implementing this :-)
> Cheers,
> Josh
Fantastic! Please don't hesitate to poke me (or anyone in
#openstack-ironic) with questions, if you have any.
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