[openstack-dev] [Openstack-docs] [Heat][Documentation] Heat template documentation

Andreas Jaeger aj at suse.com
Fri May 23 10:38:40 UTC 2014

On 05/23/2014 12:13 PM, Steven Hardy wrote:
> [...]
> I'll hold my hand up as one developer who tried to contribute but ran away
> screaming due to all the XML-java-ness of the current process.
> I don't think markup complexity is a major barrier to contribution. Needing
> to use a closed source editor and download unfathomably huge amounts of
> java to build locally definitely are though IMO/IME.

You do not need a closed sourced editor for XML - I'm using emacs and
others in the team use vi for it.

Yes, it downloads a lot Java once. We also now build the documents as
part of the gate, so you can also check changes by clicking the
"checkbuild" target, it will show you the converted books,

 Andreas Jaeger aj@{suse.com,opensuse.org} Twitter: jaegerandi
  SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
   GF: Jeff Hawn,Jennifer Guild,Felix Imendörffer,HRB16746 (AG Nürnberg)
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