[openstack-dev] A proposal for code reduction

Clark, Robert Graham robert.clark at hp.com
Wed May 21 11:34:23 UTC 2014

From: Abhijeet Jain [mailto:abhijeet.jain at nectechnologies.in] 
Sent: 21 May 2014 12:27
To: openstack-dev at lists.openstack.org
Subject: [openstack-dev] A proposal for code reduction


Hi Openstack-developers,


I am Abhijeet Jain. One of the contributor in OpenStack.


I was just working on optimizing the codes in Neutron , Keystone, Cinder

Then, I came across with a very common scenario that I can see at many

at many places, I saw that the users have written the code in such form


assertEqual(user1['id'], user2['id']);

assertEqual(user1['name'], user2['name']);

assertEqual(user1['status'], user2['status']);

assertEqual(user1['xyz'], user2['xyz']);



To optimize such redundancy, I created a help function like below :


def _check(self, expected, actual, keys):

    for key in keys:

        assertEqual( expected[key], actual[key])



So, everywhere we just need to call this function like this :

_check(user1, user2, ['id', 'name', 'status', 'xyz'])


So, this way lots of code can be reduced.

but, currently i need to put that function in every test file , I want
to use. There is no global space.


My proposal is :

How about putting this function in some utils like place, which can be
accessed in every test function.

but for that, I need your approval.

Kindly, provide your valuable feedback on this.





Abhijeet Jain

Hi Abhijeet,
Excuse me if I've missed the point but it sounds like the oslo project
would be the place you'd want to put bits of shared code like this.
If you weren't already aware of it there's some great content here:
Hope this helps
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