[openstack-dev] [infra] Intermittent network problems allowed to sneak passed the gate?

Jeremy Stanley fungi at yuggoth.org
Tue May 6 22:55:47 UTC 2014

On 2014-05-06 15:52:04 +0100 (+0100), Derek Higgins wrote:
> The job simply got restarted and this kept happening until the job passed.
> A legitimately failed job :
>   https://jenkins05.openstack.org/job/check-nova-docker-dsvm-f20/2/
> http://logs.openstack.org/14/91514/5/check/check-nova-docker-dsvm-f20/d5c1ebf/console.html

If the job fails in such a way that it impacts communication between
the slave and the Jenkins master, or tanks the slave so badly that
it ceases responding entirely, Jenkins often does not report a build
completion status. Because this happens rather unfortunately often
due to the nature of connectivity in service providers and due to
bugs in Jenkins, Zuul assumes it should automatically reattempt any
job which ceases running without explanation.

Perhaps one option would be to keep a retry counter and not
reattempt a job which fails in this manner more than once or
Jeremy Stanley

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