[openstack-dev] [depfreeze] Dependency freeze coming up (EOD Tuesday March 25)

Nikhil Manchanda nikhil at manchanda.me
Mon Mar 24 19:03:52 UTC 2014

Sean Dague writes:
> The Trove team said last week they could probably land the remove in
> trove this week for mockito (it was on their roadmap anyway). So unless
> they feel that's not doable, I think we're good.
>   -Sean

Yes, this was discussed at the trove IRC meeting last week, and is
something that we identified as a top priority for us. I'm looking to
have it complete over the next 2-3 days. Once the changes are in,
we won't require an exception for mockito, so it shouldn't affect the
dependency freeze. I'll post an update to the thread once this is

Thanks all for your help getting the trove requirements sorted out.


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