[openstack-dev] Multiple patches in one review

John Dennis jdennis at redhat.com
Mon Mar 24 14:31:47 UTC 2014

When a change is complex good practice is to break the change into a
series of smaller individual patches that show the individual
incremental steps needed to get to the final goal. When partitioned into
small steps each change is easier to review and hopefully illustrates
the progression.

In most cases such a series of patches are interdependent and order
dependent, jenkins cannot run tests on any patch unless the previous
patch has been applied.

I was under the impression gerrit review supported multiple commits. In
fact you can submit multiple commits with a single "git review" command.

But from that point forward it appears as if each commit is handled
independently rather than being an ordered list of commits that are
grouped together sharing a single review where their relationship is
explicit. Also the jenkins tests either needs to apply all the commits
in sequence and run the test or it needs to run the test after applying
the next commit in the sequence.

Can someone provide some explanation on how to handle this situation?

Or perhaps I'm just not understanding how the tools work when multiple
commits are submitted.


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